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I like Falconer's gameplay, but that bird/crow scream with every attack drives me crazy. Any workaround to disable that annoying sound?

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_sQepLJKb8

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Haha if this is over the top it is completely on me. I personally asked our sound designer to increase the rate of the falcon sounds quite a lot pretty near the end of content lock because it didn't feel present enough. We'll monitor and take note of feedback, including this post, and adjust as needed.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by stubbieausi


What were you smoking when you made that decision??

I hate that damn bird always screeching. It is annoying as hell. I can't believe you wanted to hear it more often.
Unfortunately it is linked to the battle sounds slider which no arpg player wants to be quiet.
If you can't give us an option to decrease the amount of times it screams (or get rid of it completely) maybe attach it to the ambient sound slider, or just have a screech only when attacking.

As it is now I don't want to play a Falconer simply because it is that distracting and annoying to be constantly subjected to.

Haha that bad huh? Well since we’ve got the server fires mostly calmed down I’ll have a chance to take a look at it with our sound designer and see if we can make it more reasonable as this has been brought up a number of times