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I was thinking about the whole offline vs online issue and I wonder if any ARPG has tried the following approach: an offline mode with optional "live world" where you can see chat and players but you can only talk to them (no trading). That is, if you don't have an internet connection you will just play offline, but if you have internet you have the option to add some spice to your game world. Hear me out.

The main issue with online is trading and ladders. And the main issue with offline that I keep seeing is that it can feel lonely and disconnected from other players. LE already offers global chat in offline mode, and will have a true (no internet required) offline mode at launch. I say just go the next step and if you have internet show both chat and players, with limited interactions.

Benefits: You see players around you, which is cool. No internet? It's fine, you can still play. Servers are laggy? Turn off the "live world" option and you're good to go. The only thing you don't have access to is trade, which makes sense. As someone who enjoys SSF but still like seeing people around, I think this mode would be my default if it was implemented.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I might not be understanding the suggestion but I'm pretty sure this is how online SSF will work.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by bluemuffin10

Oh, maybe I missed it then. Will you be able to play the same character offline if you have no internet in online SSF?


about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by bluemuffin10

Oh ok then. That's the core idea, to be able to play the same character either offline or online, with no trade or ladders. Basically just chatting and seeing people around in the world.

Yea, as soon as your character ever physically appears beside another in any context at all, that character is 100% online. This is not something we can compromise on.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ytiddooen

I’m having visions of old “Open Battle.net” with edited items and the like. What a time to be alive

e: (For clarity’s sake I am very ignorant to game building) is there a way to create a local character file and maybe have it overwrite every time you log out, that can be imported to single player but the online servers do not read/write from to generate the online character?

Those were crazy items. I remember as a kid figuring out how to edit stuff with real items in open and going in thinking I was hot sh*t only to discover people had rings that were better than my whole gearset.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ytiddooen

And as stated above. I know nothing about how you guys work your magic I just love the game. So if my idea is stupid or doesn’t work for some reason feel free to just say no and not even explain. It’ll largely be lost on me I think.

Sorry, it doesn't work.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by DCFDTL

Self-found is currently account wide right? Will there be an option for each individual character in the future? I don't really want a shared chest tab for all of em

Yes, you can pick solo character found or solo account find. And you can convert characters to the less restrictive versions in steps.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by bluemuffin10

Sorry late reply and happy new years :) Yeah the idea is just to bring some liveness to the offline player world, not the opposite. The online players would not see or be affected by offline players, besides being able to chat with them, which is already possible in offline mode through global chat.

The motivation stems from the fact every time I want to play an offline character I hesitate because long term I don't really like the loneliness in the world, and I see that same issue echoed around me. There is something about seeing people around that makes feel more part of a community and makes me want to keep logging in.

Yea, unfortunately if you want online functionality, you'll have to play an online character.