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Act 1 is now a proper act instead of a prologue. Huge improvement. Act 2 and getting your class accessed earlier is so much more satisfying now, especially since certain skills are gated behind that class mastery choice.

I'm super pleased with the story amendments and campaign improvements. Great work EHG!

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Manatroid

I’m going to give just one criticism to it, and it’s not even necessarily one that has to be addressed by that chapter itself.

I started a new Mage and got a little thrown by how the game gives you the old intro for your character, and then the game thrusts you into your trek to the peace-talks. There’s a left by a traveler that supposedly asks for your aid in these peace-talks, but it’s not clear if it’s actually asking your character specifically to join or if it’s just, like, an invitation to no-one in particular.

The solution would involve re-doing the intro cutscene to make it more clear whether or not your character was aware of what was actually going on. I can’t remember if it was mentioned that those cutscenes are going to be re-done in the future or not, but I imagine it’s probably lower priority for patch content.

They are going to be redone.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Teraus

One thing I've noticed is that the game doesn't explain how the player comes in possession of a shard of the Epoch after Balthas uses his two shards to travel in time. Was this an oversight, or just something that will be addressed by the next version of chapter 2?

I expect that it will get tidied up. Lore is well aware of the disconnect. When I asked about it he groaned and mentioned wanting to fix that.