Can you please post a log file?
Can you please post a log file?
Is that definitely the full file?
Could you perhaps upload it as an attachment instead?
Can you please let us know whether this issue is persisting?
We’ve made a few server-side changes.
When you run the Launcher in the main Last Epoch folder, does it download something?
I’ve responded to your e-mail with some further troubleshooting - if that doesn’t work, we will almost certainly need to ask you to try reinstalling the game as our next troubleshooting step.
If you haven’t already, can you please try using an alphanumeric password?
I’ve just tested with an e-mail account from the same provider and I am receiving e-mails from our website. Have you tried checking your Spam folder to see if the e-mail is there?
Apologies for the delay as we investigate this.
Our current troubleshooting involves making changes to the Windows Registry, so we’re going to test this with one or two people first and only roll this out if it’s consistently useful.
I don’t believe the issue is related to account information saved server-side. If it was, the other account you created previously and tested with would not have been likewise affected.
Yes; I’m aware.
But if the issue was caused by a server-side account issue, the other account would not have been. This is one of the reasons we do not believe it to be a server-side account issue.
Would you be interested in trying an experimental solution?
This would mean the erasure of save data, however it may resolve the problem for you. If you’re interested, I’ll shoot you an e-mail to arrange something. Sorry again for the delay.