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So, I love waking up saturday morning, and drink coffee and watch the recording of the stream, but the last 2 fridays were without streams. is there a way to know which fridays there will be a stream?

Thanks in advance and mike if you see this know youre my favorite gamedev of all time!

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about 1 month ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link


I wish I could have done the stream this week. I had only planned to be away for 1 and the timing was just terrible.

I almost have everything set back up. It should be good to go by Tuesday so plenty of time for next Friday. I'll finally be out of my teeny tiny office and I won't have to worry about my desk slamming my lights and camera into the ceiling (yes that happened).

We had also planned to have a replacement on the 1st week but we had some technical difficulties getting it set.

about 1 month ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by MoochiNR

Glad to hear you’re almost set up. 

Would like to ask, is there somewhere you announce when you’re going to be streaming ahead of time? Like twitter or the discord? 

I think a tweet goes out. It's supposed to be like 49 Fridays a year. Christmas break was very awkward this year and now my move has thrown a wrench in the works. I will try and use the twitch calendar better.

about 1 month ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by AceWissle

slamming my lights and camera into the ceiling (yes that happened).

Wait, what? Is it a standup desk that you can lower and raise or how did that happen?

Yup that's exactly it