about 1 year ago - JustinC - Direct link

Thanks for the reports, everyone. There’s definitely something going wrong here, but we haven’t sorted out what it is yet. From initial tests I couldn’t cause desync using Arcane Ascendance with Acuity in moderate intensity combat scenarios, but it has been reported often so I still suspect it’s involved.
Additional reports with details of what skills you’re using are helpful, especially if a certain skill or node seems to result in more desync. It would also be helpful to know if this occurs when playing together with other players, or when playing solo online.

about 1 year ago - JustinC - Direct link

Hello all, thanks for the continued reports. We’ve found the problem with Arcane Ascendance and will be working on a fix.

We’re also aware of issues with mobility skills like Teleport and Transplant causing desync or rubberbanding, but that still needs further investigation from us. Additional reports about that bug are helpful.

12 months ago - JustinC - Direct link

I’m not familiar with the issue and how it occurs with Werebear’s Rampage, so any information you can provide there will be helpful. Is it similar to Teleport’s issue where upon loading into a new area it will either cause problems every time it’s used in that area, or else work fine for that entire area?