about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

I’m not sure if we want threads on individual resources being given the sticky treatment as that’s likely going to age poorly. I’ve configured the thread to remain sticky for the rest of the month (please note that individual users can desticky it for themselves after seeing it).

about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

I actually think the destickying could do as much to help with visibility.

While I can’t speak for others, my time on forums has trained me to mentally skip the sticky threads to get to the “real” content. But hey, we can see how it goes. :smile:

almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

I’ve configured the forum to auto-bump this thread if it goes a month without being posted in.

While, by default (this can be configured in your preferences), the forum will desticky a thread for you after you’ve read it, I have some reservations about a large number of stickied threads potentially being intimidating for newer users. Hopefully this will be a good compromise which keeps attention on the thread but in a way that feels more approachable.

almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

There are those who would say you were right the firs Happy to help!