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Hi all, seems the ongoing debate around Trade made the studio create a loaded survey. I´m surprised that Trade is in question now, but whatever I play SSF most time and still enjoy selling a handful of items or buy for my friends in other games. What worries me is fewer players with No-Trade-Policy. Maybe because I can´t see the big picture EHG devs have for Multiplayer compared to PoE and D4.

Here is a very simple poll that should help the developers understand how the casual crowd thinks:


Interesting: There is no majority of the playerbase against Trade, seems balanced!!

Since some people feel offended by a simple poll, here´s my answer to you:

I´m sure we can have Trade + SSF. Why are you so stubborn? Let players decide how they want to play the game !! I hate gatekeeping whiteknights in any game and Last Epoch seems to have a lot already.

Thanks to all the brave ones participating. Cheers.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I think that there has been some information lost in the shuffle. The survey was not attempting to answer the question "Should we have a trade system or not?" Many people wanted that to be what the survey was about. From that perspective, it might seem very biased. However, that was never a goal of the trade survey. It actually clearly states that right at the top.

Please do not spread misinformation.