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what happend to the graphic in the MP Beta, was is intentionally reduced or changed to improve performace for the MP test? it looks brighter but also lacks so much detail? Hope this is only temporary and not a final change (left MP Beta, right 0.8.5F)

left MP Beta, right 0.8.5F

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about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

A few things here.

  1. This is all going to be massively updated after 0.9, so don't look into this too heavily or get used to what you're seeing. The beginning of the game is going to receive a significant overhaul.
  2. One of the goals of some of the graphical updates is going to be making it so that the environment play area competes less visually with the battle field action that you need to pay attention to
  3. This update spawns from dabbling with new tech that we have and wanting to experiement with it in an environment that will be overhauled
  4. That particular part of this zone looks a bit worse than most areas of the same zone and other zones that have been altered