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I have an eye condition that makes it near impossible for me to play with screens close to my face (e.g monitors), it gives me massive eye strain. Super pumped for Last Epoch but would like to know if the text will be readable if I play on my 4k TV? Many games primarily developed for PC have problems with this. I can play Diablo 2 Remastered and Diablo 4 just fine for comparison, but they both have an option for enlarged fonts. Anyone know? Tried finding info in the patch notes but it was hard to make out exactly what the changes entail.

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey Melubas, I believe that with the clearer font face and the increases to size for smaller text that was sometimes hard to read on smaller screens there may be some improvements here.

However, increasing the amount of accessibility options and features will be a goal for us as we’ve now got a solid foundation under us. If you’d like to add me on Discord and exchange some more information on your experience maybe we can get this in a good spot for you and others who share your experience. I’m the Discord server owner with the little crown icon next to my name https://discord.gg/lastepoch


about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Melubas

Thank you for the answer and for wanting to work things like this out! Amazing to see :) I will buy the game tomorrow and try it out before I say anything since that seems like the decent thing to do. Will send you a message and let you know how it works out.

Sounds good, when you add me add a note on who you are. My Discord invites are a bit backed up but I'll look out for ya.