27 days ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
3s back to another last EOG Dev
6s stream hello I'm your host Mike how's it
9s going
10s everybody we had a wonderful little
14s break and we're right back into it so
16s let's get going I decided to start the
18s new year off with a new character bones
21s we're going to have some fun just going
23s to do a little little bit a little bit
24s of early level see what Shenanigans we
26s can get up
28s to and answer some questions have some
30s fun relax have a great
34s day if this is your first time here
36s welcome I saw a few already glad to have
38s you here if you have a question for me
40s I'll be happy to answer it please put at
43s last Depot game in the questions so I
45s see it and answer
46s it and as always we do stream for
49s charity and that's above my
52s head so all be everything from the
54s stream goes to that that's about it
61s hope you all having a wonderful
65s time got to get
67s this where's where's our first AE
69s ability let's just let's get one of
85s those come on there it is oh it's not
88s since when is Elemental Nova not the
90s second skill you get huh since when
93s probably a long
98s time all
102s right what we let's let's I think we'll
104s just level Glacier cuz that's
106s the the easy way to go but I think I
108s might do
110s the uh shatter strike build that we are
114s currently emphasizing over on the Terra
117s monthly that just went out today which I
119s answered a few questions for so if you
121s have any desire to hear about Stargate
125s from me you can go read
130s that let me get into some questions here
133s thank you for the subs thank you for the
134s prestream subs we've got one from Arrow
136s weird gifted to Kane thank you and Kane
139s passed that along and master sword for
141s 44
143s months that
145s is
147s uh I the I I I mentioned how long I've
149s been doing this and I'm like I I think I
151s just have to like look at like one of
153s one of these like crazy high sub chains
155s to like find out exactly uh how long
158s it's been and I think that's how long
159s it's been I think it's 44 months or or
161s very close to
167s it and master sword I can't wait either
170s thank you very much all right let's get
174s some questions in here
183s welcome back from Xmas and happy New
184s Year Happy New Year to you too hi
187s Aon good to see
190s you I I'll I'll say this right now uh
193s after the stream I think a little bit
195s after the stream I'm not sure when
196s exactly but I think that uh Aaron's got
198s something cool planned I don't know if I
200s should say exactly what it is or
202s not
203s um but there will be something so cool
206s cool little followup there for
208s you when you AR with some other some
211s other people as well come let me watch
214s you fight who if you're here you
216s probably know of
218s them first question from Steve first
221s question back yeah New Year first one
223s you're looking incredible mate congrats
224s to the new life Journey thank you very
225s much appreciate it yeah feeling
229s good all
232s right just got into last eoch for the
234s first time and it has its hooks in me
237s super excited for April me too me
242s too
246s smoke that Smoke's real
257s bad all
260s right where's our Elemental Nova oo
263s let's take those and
267s those are you going for the community
269s spotlight build for the monthly
270s newsletter yeah yeah I'm going to give
272s it a
273s shot uh have you guys decided on a date
276s to release the engine upgrade no I don't
278s think so I'm not sure
280s though I got back from holidays and I'm
282s like all right let's uh crack open this
284s triple digit ping count and see what I
286s can uh see I can get started
296s on a lot of those were automated just
298s like here's a meeting that happens every
301s week that you missed because the studio
302s was
307s closed oh yeah oh he just got like a
310s chest crack pop thing felt weird um all
314s right next question in the next season
316s will there be exclusive content we won't
318s see in
319s Legacy Ah that's a good question I don't
322s know the answer I so um what we did last
326s time and I I sort of assume this is what
328s we would do next time as well so
331s we're we're guessing here but I think
334s um as we did last time anything that was
337s exclusive was eventually brought
339s everywhere once it was like unlocked or
341s once it was like completed in the in the
344s initial uh new
346s season I'm I'm training myself to use
348s season instead of cycle we're getting
350s okay at
352s it going to pass it get some damage I
355s should taking the in instead actually
357s that's okay
360s let's go straight for Nova damage
371s area you can have that kill Grail
377s ooh we'll take crit chance I guess I
380s could be just crafting couldn't
384s I like let's uh's Discovery there we go
391s all that Health
395s yeah youever still better than what I
397s was
403s wearing
405s yeah
407s uh am I burning one of
413s those come on quit double
416s clicking membrane of my mouse is going
420s all
422s right yeah so I don't I don't think
424s anything will be exclusive to Legacy if
426s if anything there might be a slight time
428s delay on something um but I'm pretty
431s sure everything's just available
435s everywhere right next one hey how are
438s you pretty great can you tell us
440s everything about season 2 I
442s could um but I'd be wrong about half of
445s it and I'd get in a lot of trouble if
448s I'm not going to I'm sorry
453s well done we're almost there I'll see
456s you ahead stuff equipped so we can pitch
458s the base ones can't really upgrade
462s those move
477s speed now we're cooking
484s all
485s right is it worth waiting for the April
487s update how big will it be um I
490s mean is it worth waiting for it is such
492s a hard thing to answer I think the
494s game's fantastic right now uh and if
496s you're interested in it I would I don't
498s know I'd suggest jumping in and playing
499s for a little bit and getting your
501s getting your feet wet and having some
502s fun
504s um taking a break and coming back and
506s playing in April I think there's lots of
507s time for that um but I mean if you've
509s got other things or to play to you don't
511s need to so it's it's kind of a hard
513s question to answer it is going to be a
514s very substantial update
517s um let's join these guys that's on the
520s other one before I go I have an offer
523s for you there's something about you that
526s I like I don't know why I was leveling
527s stuff up just pull stuff out right
530s now like nothing useful
532s though uh cuz I'm way too low level
540s there going to be
546s some like might as well
551s right that better exter armor is that
555s Attunement doesn't really
564s matter keeper gloves
570s just put every unique on we
578s can there we are that's what I was
580s looking
582s for should be good
593s otherwise might as well slap a shield on
595s right
607s I mean we could just go straight
610s into
621s melee gra was just one but not you could
625s they do this and our alliance is secure
628s we'll lend our Aid to
630s all
634s right a lot of the a lot of the stuff in
636s April is uh focused around like ingame
639s content
640s and uh so
644s like I I don't know it's it's it's so
646s hard to say that cuz obviously I just
647s want to be like yeah play the game now
648s it's great it's tons of fun um and I
652s think that's true but I don't want to be
654s like I don't know I have a hard time
657s with things like this
661s mer star update no I don't have anything
664s for you I'm sorry I'd love to uh any
667s news on the public API we're looking
669s forward to starting a uh building a
671s little tool so us usually when this gets
674s asked there is
677s um if you asked this before I've
679s probably given you the same answer
680s before as well um it's probably not
682s going to include some stuff you're
683s hoping for it to include
688s uh but I think the the API version that
691s we do have is still in like preview
694s mode
697s ends what are you hoping for it to do I
700s guess be my my
704s [Music]
706s question you can oh thanks Aaron TKA to
709s try uh is coming to the podcast with
711s Frosty and Aaron so that'll be happening
713s shortly after the dev
716s stream fun stuff
731s no uh
741s no uh more questions are there any areas
744s of the games you guys need more
745s Community feedback on I mean everywhere
748s we're always we always love feedback um
750s um I don't know if there's a specific
752s area where we're like o I wish someone
754s would start giving us feedback here um
756s but yeah I mean there's there's always
757s room for feedback in basically every
759s section of the game so something that
760s you're uh playing I guess whatever
762s you're naturally playing um is is where
765s we want the feedback
768s really cuz also areas that we don't see
771s much feedback from it can kind of mean a
773s couple things as well it can mean that
774s people just aren't playing it cuz they
775s don't find it like uh enticing to do
778s initially or they aren't playing it
780s because there's something about it
781s that's not fun so they stop doing it um
784s so sometimes the lack of feedback kind
785s of in a weird roundabout way is
803s feedback oh
805s yeah free chain lightning I'll take it
813s it's like the best thing to get right
818s here are there any areas of the G that
822s Master Sword Mike I'm not familiar can
825s you share more on your recent Life
827s Changes uh yeah I mean it's really not a
830s lot to share I decided to lose a bunch
833s of weight and I
835s did um dropped about a third of my body
838s weight
840s in a healthy and controlled way for your
843s diet and
844s exercise that's the important
857s part I I didn't so because you only see
860s like here up of me it was kind of hard
862s to tell but uh I was not healthy for a
865s while
866s there
868s now all right it wasn't a real vacation
871s if you haven't collected 100 plus males
873s when you come back
878s yep that is the
881s truth Fireball we're getting all the
884s good
890s ones this is wonderful
896s cruising oh so easy
901s all right um as it is right now Arena
905s keys are mostly used for specific unique
907s drops or prophecy completion got any
909s plans to buff the
911s rewards
915s um I think
919s there's I not specifically no um I do
922s think that it's a good thing that
923s there's rewards that are less uh
926s individually exciting where you're like
928s less sought after but still things that
929s you do kind of want to have access to a
931s little bit here and there um
935s the we are expanding the way endgame
938s works and the way uh the number of
940s rewards you'll have access to so you'll
942s see if you're not going to actively seek
945s out um Arena Keys you'll probably see a
948s little bit fewer of them and if you are
950s actively seeking them out you'll
952s probably see a little bit more of
954s them
957s um so yeah it's
962s there is some changes there but it's
963s kind of incidental changes um but I
965s think it'll be positive for what you're
967s hoping for given the way that was
971s FR uh do you think you could be Grail in
973s a 1 V one fight if you had a weapon of
975s your choice like like me personally if
979s if gril was like a real person probably
981s not
983s um I mean unless that weapon of choice
986s is like a modern weapon
993s but I would try for
995s Honor uh as it is right now Arena
999s Keys uh sorry if this is asked before
1002s that's quite all right rep questions are
1004s welcome here we get them all the time
1006s it's no big deal um but I haven't seen
1009s too much about the engine upgrade uh
1012s since the posts what kind of stuff is
1013s changing with that so there's there's
1015s not going to be um as far as like most
1018s people's experience when they when we do
1021s uh release the engine update you're
1022s probably going to be in one of two camps
1024s and this is this is just a post
1025s something I said
1027s earlier um on the forums and it's
1029s basically you're going to go did did did
1032s something change like what it's exactly
1034s the same or you're going to be like hey
1036s that weird random bug that I had that uh
1040s no one believed me was was actually
1041s there it suddenly fixed itself even
1043s though it wasn't patch noted it just
1045s disappeared um you know it's you're
1047s probably going to be in one of those two
1048s camps
1051s and uh what the big thing is it does is
1054s it's going to give us access to some new
1057s tools and some new technologies that we
1058s can use to uh fix bugs add new things to
1061s the game um there's some of some of the
1063s new uh features that we're adding for
1065s 1.2 required us to upgrade the engine
1069s um you know so there's there's a lot of
1072s stuff that um you're going to see in 1.2
1076s that will be a result of of having that
1078s but uh the the actual engine upgrade
1080s patch probably won't change too too much
1082s right out of the
1084s gate part of it is um like we we've just
1087s been testing it a ton cuz stability is
1089s really important and having a a smooth
1092s gameplay experience is really important
1093s and one of the big things we've been
1095s doing with uh the reason why it's taken
1096s a little bit here is because we've been
1098s just testing it like crazy um and part
1100s of the reason we are releasing the
1102s engine update sort of on its own before
1105s the um before 1.2 is so that we have
1108s that that time to if there's any little
1110s things that we missed for stability and
1111s stuff like that we can catch it um in a
1114s more controlled environment so we're
1116s doing just pieces at a time instead of
1118s the whole like 1.2 and the engine update
1121s the exact same time it if you don't know
1123s why Orion is just just playing it safe
1126s all it
1127s is
1129s um I just one more
1137s damage cuz we just like take
1140s damage it's pretty
1146s good all right any
1149s specific nerves to semi oh Nerfs uh to
1152s semic conic builds uh yeah there's going
1154s to be some Nerfs there's going to be
1155s some Buffs there's going to be some uh
1159s rebalancing of All Sorts new
1160s functionality all that sort of stuff
1163s um we are looking to you know bring the
1168s the real heavy outliers in both
1170s directions closer to the pack and we
1173s don't want every build to perform
1174s identically to each other but you know
1176s having um having such a big range is
1179s probably not ideal right
1183s now right let's get flame one on the
1190s bar can't hurt to have it fools fools
1200s I didn't even look what that one
1202s was yeah I'll take
1206s that am I just like Invincible right
1212s now oh actually you I'm wasting so much
1216s stuff right now and that's
1219s okay need
1224s help wow did did did it actually get any
1228s better from the B version I don't
1243s know all
1245s right yeah if you have a question please
1247s put at last Epoch game in the question
1249s so I know you're looking for me to
1251s answer it
1257s specifically I've been leveling Alt with
1259s that faction Waypoint unlock it's going
1260s to be so much better soon yeah it
1262s doesn't just to be clear that faction
1263s Waypoint unlock doesn't like you can't
1265s walk out so like right right now um I
1269s can't actually go to I don't think I can
1272s actually go there can I yeah cuz it's
1273s it's locked so it unlocks dur in the
1275s campaign um I can't like warp there
1277s right
1278s now where is it yeah I can't just
1282s go
1283s um but you like when we do unlock
1288s that in the update um you won't be able
1292s to physically walk out of here into the
1294s upper District so you won't be able to
1295s jump ahead in the campaign just just
1297s just to be clear and it does say that in
1298s the post
1299s but want to make sure
1301s that's
1312s obvious outside of outside of the big
1314s Sentinel skill changes will the other
1316s classes also have some dramatic skill
1319s changes interactions or will they have
1321s more numerical updates um there's going
1323s to be a whole host of both so there's
1325s going to be um I would say more
1329s mechanical changes on Sentinel than the
1331s other four combined cuz there's a lot on
1333s Sentinel um but everyone gets
1338s something and I mean there's there's
1340s like there can be things as small as
1343s like a unique item can have a a new
1345s unique item can have a huge impact on a
1347s build and a class in the way it plays
1349s and all that sort of thing so um you
1351s know like there's there's changes in
1352s passives there's changes in skill trees
1354s there's changes in all sorts of stuff
1356s all over the place um Sentinel is just
1358s by far getting the most because one of
1360s its or Vol we we've said it by now volti
1362s reversal one of its like core primary
1364s abilities that is used in just about
1367s every build
1369s um for the wrong reasons is getting a
1372s complete overhaul base functionality
1373s skill tree The Works the way it
1375s interacts with other skills items
1376s everything and um
1379s that has a huge ripple effect because
1381s basically every other skill in Sentinel
1383s was hanging on by a thread damage wise
1386s just because it was being propped up by
1390s um volatile reversal and so now that
1393s we've kind of taken that requirement for
1395s volatile reversal to be used away from
1397s the ability um so everything else needed
1400s to get a big buff basically the terror
1403s blessing PR be with you
1412s any plans for future totem builds like
1414s fire totem storm totem ice totem so
1418s on um well we do have like there are
1421s [Music]
1423s totems there's not much in the way of
1424s fire totems really um fire is kind of a
1428s low um low Synergy element
1432s for
1435s um that class that I'm remembering the
1438s name of right now and saying out loud to
1440s you Shaman
1445s um get here
1448s doding vo R sure we'll take it casby no
1452s I want
1454s it but I want
1458s it
1463s sure this is something that's
1465s interesting the Runes of Discovery don't
1466s take any forging potential and they just
1468s conf fill a white item up
1470s completely so you can very quickly get
1473s like a lot of stats on some early items
1476s if you just want to just get something
1480s going everything
1483s okay stay safe stay alive and bring
1488s boths
1492s back I don't know why I slapped one
1494s point in health and Mana earlier
1495s whatever though
1499s uh do you have an estimate of the
1501s expected season lengths going forward I
1503s don't I I keep I keep saying estimates
1506s for things like that and um I keep being
1509s wrong and I don't like being wrong so
1511s I'm not going to say an estment right
1512s now we'll we'll we'll get closer to the
1515s date and uh and be able to be more
1518s accurate with things like
1527s that tunel over to the wrong
1535s side all right is there a way to apply
1537s for the beta to help sort out bugs and
1540s imbalances yeah so we do we do have a
1542s community tester
1544s program um and what that is is there's
1547s there's basically early game builds that
1549s come out um and we we offer
1553s to to give people access to that in
1556s exchange for feedback um
1561s I do not know so I don't think it's open
1563s for signups right now
1567s um but I hope it will be
1570s soon and uh when when it does eventually
1573s open back up again we'll be posting on
1576s um there'll probably a post on Discord
1578s in the news section um so I keep an eye
1581s there
1592s when will a Terminator class be
1596s playable I'd love that just just
1599s like start out almost like
1603s uh like deprived class in
1607s um in Dark Souls the
1612s deprived I mean I totally know play the
1614s game so much so good at it terrible at
1618s it
1620s uh we here we go
1631s yes I'm so bad but I'm so stubborn So
1634s like um playing Elden ring I'm like I
1637s will not change or fix my build I can do
1640s this with skill that I don't
1643s have 200 attempts later all right have
1646s you ever thought about making a stash
1648s tab youi catalog like Poe has so we can
1650s know uh when we've collected all items
1653s and work towards it would be sick yes
1655s definitely um we have had this
1657s suggestion many times and I love the
1659s idea uh there's um like a Grail Quest
1663s tab basically or Grail tab is what I was
1665s I don't know how that's how I think of
1667s it and uh I love the idea
1671s um we don't have any plans to add one at
1674s the moment I really hope we do
1675s eventually
1678s the one thing that I always um I'm
1680s always kind of like I don't know which
1682s way the best way to do it is when I
1683s think about things like that is um
1686s should it actually store the item or
1689s should it just track which items you
1691s found so like just be like like a a
1694s checklist to be like oh yep you found
1695s this one you found this one you found
1696s this one or like an actual place to
1698s store each one like you have one storage
1700s spot one free extra storage spot for
1701s every unique in the
1702s game
1705s um and I don't know which way I like the
1707s most
1709s cuz on one hand having the storage spot
1711s for the item is is nice because then
1714s there's like an organized way and you
1715s can always find a unique if you're like
1717s starting a new character and you're like
1718s I have a bajillion alts and like okay
1720s let me just head to my catalog and
1721s here's like there should be there's
1723s probably one uh in in there type thing
1726s but then at the same time it kind of
1727s requires you to put your only copy of
1730s some really rare ones in there to finish
1732s it
1735s um and so I'm not really sure which side
1737s of it that I like the most
1755s all
1756s right just pop in and say that I love
1758s this game and I'm gen greatly looking
1759s forward to the next update thank you me
1763s too uh ignore if they are in I have
1766s already read it so I will not ignore it
1768s uh but are affinities coming to
1771s Le uh like tab affinities like stash tab
1775s affinities
1778s um that's usually what people mean when
1780s they say affinities and we have
1783s those pretty sure those are
1787s live that got pushed alive didn't it I
1794s think I'll double check my stash when we
1796s get there but I'm pretty sure we I'm
1797s pretty sure that's on live I've been
1798s using it haven't I it's yeah that's
1800s definitely onl what am I talking
1805s about if you mean something else please
1807s let me know what's your favorite class
1809s rogue rogue is my favorite class it
1811s takes everything in me not to just play
1812s Rogue every single time I love it it's
1816s mine M Falconer was so much fun to
1820s make it's part of that part of that team
1823s small part of that team oh medium part
1826s of that team not to sell myself too
1838s short the aoch is ours R head
1848s [Music]
1854s me okay next
1857s question uh
1861s um oh weird that thing didn't work but I
1863s see it anyways what are uh one of the
1866s major changes to the Sentinel class I
1868s mean there's there's quite a few there's
1870s a bunch in the if you haven't seen the
1874s um uh teror monthly post there's a uh
1877s list of all the spoilers we did last
1879s month um I think Kane's been looking
1881s that there's um one of my favorites in
1885s there is the ability to wield a
1888s two-handed weapon and a shield at the
1890s same time um there is a downside to that
1894s node which we did not spoil yet um cuz
1896s we're still tweaking the numbers on it
1897s and making sure it's we're we're pleased
1899s with the exact amount that it's taking
1901s away from other stuff um but yeah using
1903s a two-hander with a shield is pretty
1905s huge there's a lot of things that opens
1906s up um especially on abilities like
1909s Javelin where you're using a two-handed
1911s spear and a shield now so there's a
1913s bunch of new defensive options there um
1915s and some some new nodes that work and
1917s synergies that work that work before
1921s um yeah there some cool stuff
1926s there going to sell these why
1931s not I'm sure some of these are better
1933s than what I'm wearing and I just all the
1934s unique and I don't really
1938s care was not a good one he's back he's
1942s being Qui you're
1945s back Lena I'm so sorry to you
1950s this is best for us
1953s all will there be community events and
1955s races in the future like Poe had for the
1958s world first shaper kill and Community
1960s leagues to keep the game alive between
1962s leagues
1963s yes definitely um we've done a few
1966s events and there's been a few Community
1968s run events and things like that we're
1970s very um big fans of those sorts of
1972s things and we want to do more and more
1973s and more of them we've been adding some
1974s tools on our back end to be able to do
1975s that more efficiently um yeah there's
1978s is
1986s yeah when you set a stash tab to a group
1989s of items example Idols when you right
1991s click the idol it goes to that tab
1993s regardless if you're looking at the tab
1994s not yeah yes we have
1997s that yeah what do we call that uh stash
2001s priorities the priority tab priority
2003s when you go to your St I could have just
2004s looked at it there when you go to your
2005s stash there's a um let's just go let's
2008s just go
2014s look doesn't take long always go
2020s back uh when you come in here you can
2024s um NOP not category tab if you right
2027s click on a tab um you can see this tab
2029s priority right here and you can pick
2032s different uh weapon or miscellaneous
2034s types as well and put specific things in
2036s there and then you can pick specific
2038s properties of those things and uh other
2041s specific requirements and things like
2043s that so it'll it'll Auto sort for you
2046s into those
2054s [Music]
2057s tabs keep enhancing the game yeah we
2060s will love the game and progression for
2062s improvement thank
2064s you give us steam achievement please yes
2067s uh I want Steve achievements so
2070s bad they're so nice I I I lots of these
2074s things I've said before elsewhere but
2075s like I love there's so I play a favorite
2077s of Civ as well and there's so many
2079s ridiculous achievements in Civ that
2081s happen by accident all the time where
2083s you're just like it pops up and it's
2085s like do this thing you're like uh okay I
2088s wonder what city it has that
2091s unlocked
2093s um one of my favorites being uh it's
2096s like it's use the great people
2098s Michelangelo Donatello
2100s Raphael
2106s um and
2109s Leonardo wow uh in the same city that
2112s has sewers built in it and
2116s um yeah Pizza Time achievement I think
2119s great
2124s one uh my four-year-old likes to watch
2127s me play and would like if you added more
2129s dinosaurs well you know what good
2131s news um not in this patch um but uh
2137s something we are working on quite a bit
2139s is a lot more ancient era dinosaur stuff
2142s so you know what it's we're working on
2145s it
2148s sure I like being able to just say yes
2150s to things like that
2158s uh lightning near enemies
2161s ignited we are going to
2164s go
2167s yeah
2179s yeah any updates on a console release no
2181s we don't have any information regarding
2183s a potential console release it's
2184s something that we really want to do um
2186s but there's a lot a lot of groundwork
2189s that needs to get laid before we can
2190s really even commit to specifics there um
2193s we are we are doing a lot of work on um
2196s like steam deck improvements and our
2198s just controller improvements in general
2200s so we are um in 1.2 adding in context
2203s and specialization
2205s specific um controller targeting systems
2209s for every single ability in the
2211s game so what does that mean cuz that was
2213s a big mouthful of technical mumbo jumbo
2214s that didn't really say much basically
2216s when you cast fireballs
2220s um it's going to actually turn and fire
2223s and shoot Fireball at the most logical
2226s enemy um and if you have Fireball that
2230s has proba May bad example um if you have
2234s it's a better
2235s one
2238s um okay let's say you have a Ballista
2243s here's a good example ballista has
2244s certain nodes in ballista where um you
2247s really want to to cast it near you so
2249s that it will get um Buffs cuz it it it
2252s Buffs you and you buff it and so
2253s standing nearby it is really
2255s important but then there's nodes where
2258s it's got like a trip wire between the
2260s two two blists get trip wire between
2261s them and they explode and they deal
2263s damage to enemies near them so you want
2265s to place the ballista near your enemies
2267s and so depending on which specialization
2269s you've picked it will either um place
2271s them close to you or close to enemies so
2273s it's context specific targeting for each
2276s individual ability based on on how you
2278s specialized it yes
2281s um yeah so it's going to be a lot more
2283s smooth to play on controller and so it
2285s has like a um each one of them has a
2287s primary targeting a secondary fallback
2289s targeting and then the um the default is
2292s just whatever it currently does now in
2294s the game if if it just can't find a good
2296s option for the uh primary and
2299s secondary Minimus run your still put
2303s what me
2317s it's okay it's
2321s okay we shall avenge
2323s you uh all right I hope you had a great
2326s holiday and looking forward to the
2327s updates to Le hoping the controller
2329s keybinds can be customized so that uh a
2332s button can be used as a skill so that a
2335s button oh like the the the a button on a
2337s controller um there's c yeah there's a
2339s few buttons that can't
2341s [Music]
2343s be um I think we're expanding some of
2346s those I'm not sure exactly what's
2347s happening there
2349s well um I will say that if you if you
2352s really want to do it now you probably
2354s can most controllers have um a way to
2357s rebind controller inputs and especially
2360s uh just steam does it as well so you can
2362s like remap your buttons on your
2364s controller in Steam anyways and then um
2369s it'll just map to a different button it
2371s won't it'll say the wrong button which
2373s can sometimes be disorienting to people
2378s um but welcome to the life of owning
2381s switch controllers for
2384s PC not going take off the Cradle
2386s actually cuz it will connect to the
2389s game uh how does it feel when you uh
2392s when you see big names like Diablo and
2393s Poe take things that you created
2395s introduce them put them into their games
2397s I mean
2398s there's it's incredible when when
2400s there's when you can see the influence
2401s you're having on uh on the games that
2405s you love to play in general it's so cool
2407s having that like and and like I don't
2410s think it's just cut and dry just like oh
2411s they see something they take something
2412s it's it's like you you're you're solving
2415s the same problems lots of times I know I
2417s know there's been times when us and Poe
2419s have been like actively working on the
2421s same thing at the same time
2424s um and you know like it it happens the
2428s other way too where we release something
2429s and someone else it's like that's just
2430s from some other
2432s game so I don't think there's any like
2434s malicious intent happening or anything
2435s like that but it is very cool to see
2438s when um it's almost validating you know
2441s like where you're like this this thing
2442s you worked on and it's like even if even
2445s if they it had nothing to do with um I
2448s mean especially actually if it had
2450s nothing to do with um seeing it in our
2452s game first and it just happened to be
2453s spontaneously the same or or similar
2456s implementations for solving problem
2458s um and just being like okay well they
2460s think it's a good idea too you know
2463s um that's really cool to
2469s see what brings you
2471s here ET
2477s race we're going to start up a filter
2479s here I
2480s think uh
2482s new Mage
2484s leveling this one and
2488s is this one this is the ion yeah at a
2491s rule
2494s hi item nope item Rarity we're just
2498s going to hide normal
2500s items we're just done with those we're
2503s past
2506s that will the loot lizards and extra
2509s shrines be staying in the game or was
2511s that event only they are sticking around
2513s they're sticking around everything
2514s that's in the game right now is standard
2517s is long long term is uh is here to stay
2521s um I mean there's like nodes on certain
2524s things that might get adjusted and stuff
2526s like that but yeah mechanics features
2528s you see right now they're in the game
2529s they're here um they're getting updates
2531s like there's certain shrines that are
2533s being uh tweaked and how they work
2535s certain
2537s um like spawn rates and drop rates on
2541s blue lizards are being adjusted so that
2542s they're I think a little bit less
2544s frequent and a little bit more exciting
2546s um and you like things like that so
2549s we're we're making tweaks and
2550s adjustments to all those things but the
2552s um the features and the functionality
2553s the core the way it works everything
2554s that's all here to stay
2559s um o look at that we don't hate
2565s those we don't hate those at
2569s all I do have a par G and picked up but
2572s you know it's cool to find it yourself
2581s uh when will we see our first uh flight
2583s capable
2585s class like
2589s um like actually getting wings uh I mean
2592s technically technically uh swarm blades
2595s got Wings keep them off me it flies a
2599s little bit yeah that
2603s count I think it counts I'm calling it
2611s I cannot do
2614s that and we're going to put Mana strike
2616s on our
2619s bar only a little longer I cannot do
2631s that lovely look at those bees look at
2634s those be boys
2637s leatherbound
2648s home don't forget to put atlast Epoch
2651s game in the question if you'd like me to
2653s answer
2658s it get those get
2663s that get some Quest action going
2668s give me some Idols
2672s now the gods have long left this world
2677s but their memory will give you comfort
2680s be safe
2685s traveler yes
2691s please few Idols
2693s here Mana lightning res War retention
2696s and health great one to
2700s have armor and ell res
2703s sure
2706s sure why
2710s not probably snag a couple more uniques
2713s here for leveling in a minute I should
2715s done it there whatever we're
2717s cruising are there any quality of life
2720s uh planned for the next up cycle uh
2723s season we're calling them Seasons now H
2725s yes there's lots of quality of life
2726s stuff planned for next season
2728s um yeah there's there's lots of cool
2730s stuff all over the place um unrelated
2734s but I'm I I feel like I feel like let's
2736s share some stuff right
2737s now teaser one here we go I only have
2740s two today but they're both cool so um
2744s this is the first one this is an update
2746s for a sentinel Noe I'm pretty sure I'm
2748s I'm like 90% sure we haven't shared this
2751s one yet if we have already I'm sorry um
2753s but here we go uh so this is a new void
2756s Knight passive node um that is quite
2762s nice leave that on screen for a
2766s second are blade dancer Marksman and
2769s Shaman getting their fifth skill in
2770s season 2 technically I can answer no to
2772s that
2778s question but when it comes you'll be
2780s like Mike you lied I'll be like no I
2781s didn't technicality haha deal with
2784s it and you're like oh they are they're
2786s not
2792s I know I'm the worst aren't I uh in
2794s general what is the Studio's view on
2796s autobomber builds I.E builds with zero
2798s or one buttons um I think the what's the
2802s like the company line on it is is
2805s probably
2808s um for the most part builds that um
2813s engage a player a little bit more are uh
2816s generally more desirable for us to have
2819s in high quantities at the at the end
2822s game
2823s um you know we we we like active play
2826s Styles um being fun engaging and high
2831s power so that doesn't necessarily mean
2833s that you have to have an active play
2836s style to play the game um but we really
2840s want to make sure that we're not in a
2842s situation where all the best builds are
2845s zero and one button builds you know like
2847s we want to make sure that there are
2848s definitely some absolute top tier builds
2850s that are active play Styles
2854s um but I think if we got to a situation
2857s where there weren't any uh top tier
2860s builds I mean like s tier builds that
2863s had that were like zero and one button
2864s builds if if that just like wasn't a
2866s thing um I don't think we'd probably go
2869s out of our way to make sure we added one
2872s yeah we we might but it probably just be
2875s like H one will show up it's fine
2877s is probably what we'd say type thing so
2880s it's
2883s yeah not not the first choice but we
2887s don't we don't we don't actively try and
2889s remove them either so we don't look at a
2890s build and go hey that's that's not
2892s active enough let's get rid of it you
2895s know we don't we don't take that
2896s approach and we we do intentionally put
2899s nodes in uh in the game that like while
2903s we're while we're designing the the
2904s skill trees we're like we'll literally
2906s say this one's for the lazies um and
2910s it'll be in so you know it's it's one of
2912s the things we do know that some people
2913s don't like to have that Super Active
2915s play style
2917s um but you know we don't want to force
2919s everyone down that path
2922s either oh my goodness thanks
2927s Kan yeah yeah yeah my bad my bad I put
2932s the I'm it's you know first stream back
2935s I've got to do it right it was that that
2937s was uh definitely
2939s intentional uh yep yep just you know
2942s it's a Trope at this point and I'm I'm
2944s hanging a lampshade on it no big deal
2946s yeah I know it's just m I'm just a fool
2949s fool it's
2952s fine uh what can you share about
2954s Sentinel SE changes and uh balancing for
2958s cycle 2 um not a lot of details there's
2960s there's a bunch of nodes that we have um
2962s put out there and so I check I would
2963s check those out um big things stuff I've
2966s talked about already ready the stream
2967s things like um like there's uh volatile
2971s reversal was being used as a like a a
2974s cooldown like an on cool down buff
2977s ability and um so we've we've kind of
2980s ripped that out you can volle reversal
2982s is still a very very good ability um it
2986s doesn't fit perfectly in every single
2989s build no matter what now um and I think
2993s it's a lot more fun to play I think it's
2994s a lot I think people are going to start
2996s taking it because they like the play
2998s pattern and they're using it for the
2999s functionality that it has and that it's
3002s actually improving their build and
3003s synergizing with their build not just
3004s hey this is a buff button
3007s um and so yeah we're we're taking a lot
3009s of the power that was coming from
3010s volatile reversal and we're putting it
3012s elsewhere we're adding in more
3013s conversions um more defensive options um
3017s more synergies more cross ability
3019s synergies
3022s um that node that's over that way in the
3026s corner
3030s what do we get what do we
3035s get that's that's not that's not
3039s [Music]
3045s terrible you have Ward I have
3051s Ward ha mine lasted longer deal with
3055s it oh no yours is back
3057s mine's not off cool down yet oh jeez
3064s RI you will
3066s perish next time you will perish not
3073s me uh fave character and Y Rogue the
3076s flow the feel it it just I don't know it
3080s it speaks to me a little
3082s bit it's there's something about that
3084s fast movement shift is my favorite
3086s ability in the game I think
3089s um I really like I played like I played
3092s um played Riven in La bunch and like
3095s dancing strikes is is just it feels so
3098s smooth um I remember when when I first I
3102s like I I wasn't involved in making
3103s dancing strikes
3105s initially and when
3108s um uh when I when I saw the first
3110s version of it I was like I was just
3112s hooked I'm like yes this is it this is
3113s what I want
3120s then we made the skill tree quite
3121s pleased with it that one that one does
3124s need a little power I
3127s think CU
3130s yeah rain lightning
3135s down it's a shaman skill but it
3145s works hi Mike and team is there there
3147s any ETA for the release of the new
3148s engine update sorry if I missed that you
3150s did not miss it we don't have a specific
3152s time yet I'm
3154s sorry will you guys add stee
3156s achievements anytime
3158s soon probably not super soon
3162s um I know we were just adding some stuff
3164s to the game to make it possible to do
3167s smoothly um and I know we've been
3170s brainstorming some um but it's not uh
3174s it's not implemented at the moment
3178s I
3182s amending ding level up ding level
3192s up have I noticed the bug probably um
3195s but if you have a bug report uh please
3197s use the in-game bug reporting tool uh
3200s right
3201s here it is wonderful it takes data from
3205s your game client um if you you leave the
3207s attached player data here um it's it's
3210s your log file that's all it is
3213s um and uh helps a lot in in finding
3217s those
3218s bugs I'll read what it is but I'm not
3220s going to be able to help you with it
3222s sorry um have you noticed a bug where
3224s enemies in maps and sometimes even
3225s bosses are invisible their skill effects
3226s and oras are visible can be damaged and
3229s do damage but the character model is
3230s invisible I haven't actually um it's
3232s something that has been happening to me
3233s since I first tried the game I did send
3235s a report about it cool
3237s [Music]
3239s uh uh after the engine update will we
3243s see New Seasons more frequently um I
3245s certainly hope
3248s so don't have any specifics on timing of
3251s those things at the
3253s moment but you know 9 months is a long
3255s time to wait it is the consequences of
3258s our
3259s actions history is definitely was not
3261s Our intention it is when we set out for
3263s this season must
3265s act I cannot do that
3269s but it's going to be a good one I'm very
3271s excited for
3281s it and I think one great one will be end
3285s up being better than uh one okay one and
3288s one good
3295s one uh when can we expect the new cycle
3298s um about February asking my friend no uh
3300s the new season is in April um we do have
3304s uh that announced already so this was
3306s not an announcement just for the
3312s record okay okay thanks Mike you are
3315s welcome I don't know what question that
3316s was I apologize but you're welcome
3318s either way I hope it was a good
3322s answer melee minions feel weaker to the
3324s Archer counterparts any chance to see a
3326s buff to the melee minions um also not a
3329s lot of player use skeleton Rogues
3331s because the low crit chance any chance
3333s for that to change um I mean there's
3336s there's always a so you're saying there
3338s yes there's always a chance um I do not
3341s know I I really I don't like giving out
3343s specifics on on balance changes
3345s especially on stream especially when
3347s we're kind of far out still
3349s um just because a lot of those number
3352s tweaks happen um in the second half of
3355s the cycle um
3358s uh the development cycle so it's you
3359s know there's there's a lot of a lot of
3361s stuff like that comes from feedback from
3362s the CT program that we're talked about
3363s earlier um and just you know like once
3366s we get closer and more features are are
3367s in and we're doing internal play tests
3369s and you know people are giving feedback
3372s internally too so there's things like
3373s that we'll we'll start to uh get
3376s solidified a little bit more as we go
3377s forward I don't have specific details
3379s for you right
3380s now
3383s um where do we go do we just go ice
3388s so doing ice and just just stack pure
3389s cold sure why
3394s not
3397s um we're going down here aren't
3400s we
3403s yeah ice SW tacks can be good too might
3406s do
3409s that uh I assume you played poe2 over
3412s the break a little bit not as much as I
3414s wanted to um I have finished act one I
3418s request no spoilers I know I'm like
3420s really not very far at all I finished
3422s act one on four characters now U CU I
3425s keep just I keep I don't know going back
3448s get this one
3451s yeah I cannot do
3460s that going
3464s down very
3466s nice very
3470s nice all right uh anything from the game
3473s that you just loved it made you think
3475s about a way to implement something
3476s similar in Le yeah it's the dumbest
3478s little thing
3481s ever um the ability to pin a tool tip
3484s and move it around the
3486s screen is So
3489s Glorious if anyone from poe2 or from GGG
3493s uh made that I love you um whoever you
3497s are you're wonderful it's great thank
3499s you
3511s I I the way our tool tips are set up it
3513s will not work it will require a lot of
3516s changes to make work
3519s sadly stop him so don't expected an
3521s Ellie anytime soon I wish we could
3528s goodbye volcanic or love
3532s it should we see should we see what else
3535s we can do I'm sure we've got
3540s something yeah those I just like shift
3543s right clicked those gloves and they went
3546s into probably right there that's
3548s probably
3548s them the unique tab cuz I had this one
3550s set up
3555s already anything super awesome Viper
3558s tail
3568s what's useful this is not useful is it
3570s not
3575s really our bees they're minions
3580s right that's not terrible
3583s actually
3586s sure going to throw a bunch of stuff in
3588s the ground I might check these Rings
3589s actually
3598s uh fade F leap reversal Taste of
3603s blood this this new this is new art for
3605s Taste of blood it used to be different
3607s love the new
3609s art we not going to stay here long let's
3611s get back to some questions Mike you're
3613s stalling what are you doing why are you
3615s taking so long
3617s Mike that's what's going on my head
3618s right now while I'm doing
3625s this uh I
3630s mean I don't hate that I'm not using it
3636s much we're going to get teleport
3642s soon want some dexterity
3646s instead
3649s sure the smallest upgrade of all time I
3652s will not do that hiy person oh we've got
3654s MTX we can wear
3657s never have MTX I
3661s can put something cool on oh
3664s yeah oh yeah we're going we're going
3666s that set that's
3670s happening
3672s uh which one do we like do you love the
3677s pedals oh backpack it's got my face on
3679s it can't not we something with my face
3681s on it
3686s uh let's go this guy just want the one
3690s though if you look real carefully that
3692s right there that's my
3699s face wearing this tutu as
3702s a like around my
3710s neck yes it's a Halloween costume for
3712s like a 10-year-old
3719s are there any questions SL topics that
3721s haven't been asked that you really want
3722s to talk about uh I that I'm allowed to
3725s talk about not really you guys you guys
3727s do the the questions that get asked here
3730s are so surprisingly good
3733s um like kind of
3738s weirdly good questions I don't know I
3741s see someone that that guessed on an
3742s answer I was going to say about coming
3744s from the stuff from poe2 my money's on W
3746s I tried it I couldn't do it I don't know
3751s what it is like I I know it is
3753s objectively
3755s better and I just like physically can't
3757s bring my body to do
3763s it I I don't know what it is I'm just so
3766s set in my
3769s ways that it just broke me
3780s is
3780s De is
3784s dead
3786s [Applause]
3789s for Frozen
3793s te Ste actually having to play what how
3798s dare you make me
3801s think it's a good
3803s fight slap that helmet on
3810s we're going to hurt ourselves a bunch
3812s and we're like doing no fire damage and
3814s we're not using fire
3817s skills put that help back
3823s on find something
3831s here oh boy
3838s quick upgrades quick
3854s upgrades garbage tier upgrades oh I can
3857s do this can
3863s I don't need to do this at all
3865s completely unnecessary necessary minion
3868s damage Elemental
3874s damage we'll take
3883s it uh will season 2 be released in early
3885s mid or late April I'm sorry I can't tell
3888s you I would love
3894s to We Do have a a set Target date I'll
3899s say that we do we we've picked out a day
3900s where we're like that's the
3904s one all right the worst part about CT
3907s program is not being allowed to tell
3908s other people how excited I am about the
3910s upcoming changes you can say you're
3911s excited you can absolutely say you're
3913s excited it's about all you can say
3917s though but yeah uh I I feel your pain
3921s believe me I feel your
3923s pain it is really nice uh when someone
3926s like getting to go to the CT uh I don't
3928s I don't SP I don't talk a lot in the CT
3929s Discord but I do read a lot of the stuff
3931s in there and so it's it is really nice
3934s to go in there and see people's
3935s reactions to things that we're working
3936s on early
3938s um and it's been very validating
3942s recently of like okay this is going to
3944s go well this is going to be good it's
3947s like it's calm me down a lot and that's
3950s not to say they're not critical cuz they
3951s are always very critical in and it is
3954s super important that they are critical
3956s um um but I am confident that uh it'll
3959s be a fun and well-received
3964s catch partially because of their
3968s criticisms speaking of
3971s crit
3974s there all right is there any skill you'd
3978s really like to create a unique for um I
3983s this is tricky because like if there's
3984s one that I really want to do this to I
3985s can just go do it but
3989s um and I'm doing I'm there's a I cannot
3993s do that there's there's a there's a a
3995s skill that we're planning on adding um
4000s and it got cut from 1.2 uh that I really
4004s have that I have got a plan for a unique
4005s for it that I'm really excited for
4012s um that I know is kind of a cop on
4014s answer cuz I can't talk about it at all
4023s um but for skill in the game right now
4027s take a look is there anything here that
4028s I'd really like to make an item
4030s for that is here
4040s already iard so fighting me probably
4047s Sabertooth Sabertooth is it's it's an
4050s ability that's been sitting on the
4052s sidelines because it needed uh like a
4054s visual update and and a base
4056s functionality update um and I've I've
4059s really love the vibe of saber Toth it's
4062s one of my it's I think it's one of sa
4064s tooth or Raptor are my favorite two
4065s summons for for
4068s primalist and I'd really like to make an
4070s item that
4074s uh that like plays into the the low
4078s minion count either saber-tooth or
4080s Raptor
4086s style that's what I'd love to
4095s do definitely not writing that down
4097s right now
4107s no idea what you're talking
4116s about all right uh got to do Barbarian
4120s Mastery
4126s when yeah I I I'd love to do Barbarian
4129s Mastery I would I really would and I'm
4132s laughing cuz it gets brought up like
4133s every time um
4136s not working on Barbarian Mastery right
4137s now I'm sorry just just to be
4142s clear not working on any masteries at
4144s all right
4151s now but I would like I would love to get
4153s some new masteries going again that' be
4162s sweet okay I'm being told that I'm
4164s really far behind in chat and I should
4165s speed up up thank
4168s you uh can I ask a personal question yes
4171s you may I might not answer probably will
4174s L um what is your favorite pet build and
4177s why maybe even outside leie um I really
4180s like builds in games that I'll I'll I'll
4183s give an kind of a I'll give an in and
4185s out of ell example I really like builds
4188s that shouldn't work that are like well
4191s that's not what the class is trying to
4192s do um type build so like
4196s one of my favorite builds ever in D2
4199s favorite games ever was um is
4202s enchantress which is uh or or like
4208s um uh like
4212s using uh using rums to get Paladin AAS
4215s on an on a sorc and doing like enchant
4218s to buff your melee and and be like a
4219s melee sorc in D2 which there's like
4221s there's Fringe support for at best um um
4226s and it's not great but like um and
4229s there's the fireclaw Druid that that are
4231s Sor that you know came up a little bit
4233s but you know like I I really love doing
4235s things like that and when I was like a
4237s kid playing D2 before I knew what I was
4238s doing at all I would I would make
4239s enchantresses like every season like
4242s every ladder reset i' be like all right
4243s we're going enchantress this time and
4245s every all my friends like Mike you do
4246s this every time and it's terrible every
4248s time
4249s stop nope I
4253s refuse and we're leveling and they're
4256s hitting every single attack cuz enchant
4258s gives a bajillion attack rating and then
4260s who's confused never mind um so I love
4262s builds like that and so uh coming back
4265s to my favorite build or my favorite
4266s class in Le like a two-handed um a
4270s two-handed blade dancer a big fanom cuz
4272s it's like it's focusing it's melee and
4273s there's like support for lots of melee
4274s stuff but it really wants to do dual
4276s wielding um and you like having that
4278s like Twist on it I love doing stuff like
4284s that do I teleport yet and I've just
4286s like been ignoring it yes yes I do my
4290s goodness Mike what are you even
4300s thinking why am I not using teleport
4303s feel like I should have it by now
4305s right
4312s yep all right I'd go for story spot list
4318s uh oh this is the unique oh my God I'm
4319s far behind but it gives you a minimum
4321s roll so you take it out yeah like it
4324s like bricks the item when you put it in
4325s so you can still use it if you want I
4327s feel like if we were going to put it in
4328s you might as well be able to use it when
4329s you take it out normally might as well
4331s just save the
4334s item I had an idea for a new minion ants
4338s they're quick uh lift six times its
4340s weight swarm thoughts maybe swarm blade
4342s minion item changes Locus to ant isn't
4346s there some
4347s like scale issue with the whole like
4350s ants lifting six times their weight on
4354s um like on on full size full scale stuff
4358s where it doesn't it doesn't work anymore
4359s because they're they get too large and
4362s like they collapse under their own
4363s weight or
4374s something this the this might not be a
4376s thing so don't quote me on
4378s this also my
4384s goodness that was that was some that was
4386s some loot drops right
4391s there it's our second prism RS this run
4394s that's
4398s hilarious yeah
4406s fting chance so blind that's that's
4408s actually not a bad
4411s pickup you're also going to want to
4413s start picking up set items
4416s soonish I think
4421s maybe possibly working on
4425s it I think we might just use that though
4427s just the the like eight intelligence
4429s alone and the 30% increased spell damage
4431s is
4432s that think that's just enough to run it
4452s there could be a boss ant called
4459s Aaron boss ant named
4462s Jima uh hny I don't know what that
4465s acronym means
4467s uh-oh uh any plans for new uh new MTX
4471s thanks yes there are new Cosmetics
4473s coming down the pipe and they're pretty
4480s cool our was the uh movement coming to
4483s Le at some point by the way it's awesome
4485s keep it up um maybe um you know it's
4490s it's a very very hotly requested feature
4492s at the moment um you know like we're
4495s we're testing out different options for
4497s it
4498s um like there's there's definitely no no
4502s no timeline no promises on any of it at
4505s all but you know like we we are looking
4507s at you know this is something that the
4509s community is very vocally saying that
4511s they're interested in as a feature
4514s um
4516s and uh we we we love to deliver on
4519s things for people that they want you
4520s know it's it's kind of a simple hey a
4522s bunch of people want this is it can we
4524s do it type thing is sort of how we look
4526s at things like that and um so know we're
4528s we're exploring our options but
4532s um it's there there's some there's a few
4535s blockers in place that are making
4537s it um possibly not feasible for us um in
4542s in next patch type thing but uh you know
4544s it's it's on the table about the best I
4547s can say for
4548s it we we always want to add more stuff
4550s to the game you know and every single
4552s thing like that is a like a value
4554s proposition so you know if it was going
4556s to take us um 100 Dev hours to do um
4561s compared to a th000 Dev hours to do you
4563s know like that's it's a pretty big
4564s difference in how much how many other
4567s things have to get cut for it to be
4570s added and figuring out if that's if
4572s that's worthwhile to cut those other
4574s things is a very tricky uh
4578s proposition very tricky thing to figure
4581s out thank you very much for the
4584s sub uh V into black nice nice extremely
4587s black color like uh absorbs some 90
4590s something per of light that comes into
4591s it so it's like crazy Mega dark black
4594s and it like looks like you're looking at
4596s nothing it's really
4609s cool not the
4613s be oops
4624s more questions uh guns as a new weapon
4627s when I mean we don't have any immediate
4629s plans for for guns and and future Tech
4632s and things like that um you know it it's
4636s a time travel game it's not
4638s impossible
4640s um it does it does extend pretty far
4643s outside the the typical theming of the
4646s game at the moment so um we have to be
4648s careful with stuff like that and make
4650s sure it's thematically appropriate and
4652s you know fits in logically into the game
4654s somewhat like how does how does a bow
4657s and arrow stack up against a gun Ted
4659s like this certain situations it's great
4661s what a waste uh you know so there's
4663s there's there's tricky stuff there they
4665s definitely can coexist thematically um
4667s and you do like low low Tech Guns things
4669s like they don't have to be like modern
4671s Firearms they can be like flint lock
4672s stuff and so there's there's a lot of
4674s there's a lot of options there um you
4676s seem a little deis he might be kind
4678s enough to show you how to tap into your
4681s true
4683s potential
4685s uh I'm going to look up and make sure
4688s what build was in
4690s that teram monthly thing so I picked the
4693s right Mastery it was spellblade I
4699s believe yes it was a Spell blade
4706s even though we've been playing
4710s Glacier Mana strikes on our bar it's
4713s fine it
4715s counts you I I if I then choose Mastery
4721s spell and focus on the confirm I see
4726s that you are still you Shad stri
4729s strength will be necessary if our world
4733s our reality is to have I think we're
4735s going to we're going to drop
4737s this we go jump into Shadow strike now
4741s where are we Shadow
4749s strike cool cool cool cool cool cool
4757s cool should see what I like to
4760s see sh strike
4767s let rock and
4768s roll it's just that
4773s easy uh I do love the idea of doing the
4775s campaign at least once per season but
4777s has any thought gone into letting alt
4779s skip campaign and farm Idol slots and
4782s passives in monoliths um so we do still
4784s want to have that leveling process be
4786s part of the new character experience
4791s um having that level and I I very
4793s clearly I very int leveling Pros us
4795s there just to be clear um
4799s and uh having new having different
4802s having ways to make that leveling
4803s process customizable based on a player's
4806s experience and skill uh and resources is
4809s really important to us
4813s um
4815s restricting uh uh I think restricting
4818s the idol and passive unlocks to the
4821s campaign has um
4825s uh is is probably put as you point out
4827s it's probably putting a bit of a wet
4828s blanket on the ideas of what I just said
4830s of like giving players the opportunities
4832s to customize that leveling experience
4833s more but forcing them down specific um a
4837s specific subset of um quests that exist
4840s in the campaign specifically is probably
4843s um too heavy handed a restriction on
4848s that freedom we're trying to allow in
4850s that leveling
4851s process kind of a round roundabout way
4854s of saying yeah we're looking at
4855s expanding how you can get those unlocks
4857s um and we we cuz we we've this idea has
4859s been in the game for a long time like it
4860s says there's um one of eight Idol slot
4862s rewards that have been completed but
4864s there's something like 15 places in the
4866s campaign that you can get Idol slot
4868s rewards so it's not saying you have to
4869s do these eight quests it's doing eight
4871s of these 12 15 quests I don't know how
4873s many there are and then passive is the
4876s same way so it's like get do 15 of these
4878s 20 quests and um so we we want to have
4883s more ways that aren't exclusive
4886s um campaign side quests to be able to
4888s unlock those rewards still having them
4890s available in the campaign um but also
4892s I'd say maybe having ways to earn them
4894s in endgame could be really positive
4896s where an experienced player who maybe
4898s doesn't need need that power for their
4900s build to have a good time early who can
4904s get by with a lower power build early
4906s and then um still unlock those things so
4909s their characters maximum potential isn't
4911s reduced later
4919s which allows you to take advantage of
4920s the campaign skips that are already in
4921s the game more aggressively I thank you
4926s there is an old passage to the surface
4930s cuz the campaign skips if you if you
4931s don't happen to not not no no there's
4932s dungeons that have sections that that
4934s let you skip big chunks of the of The
4938s Campaign which we could do we could
4940s probably do one of them aren't we about
4942s to we're just about to get to one should
4943s we try lightless Arbor on un level
4946s appropriate I've got I I must have a key
4949s I might not have a
4954s key sless yeah lots of
4957s keys let's try
4967s it yes
4971s stuff follow your
4973s feet there any more uniques that we can
4978s do
4983s Pride not a bad
4988s option uh we're going to want
4992s that underleveled pretty hard for
4996s that do we have we've got a dger
5001s somewhere we must we must we should
5005s probably equip this
5009s actually send it to the
5019s lp more cool stuff more cool
5022s stuff going once going
5025s twice there we are that's what I want to
5029s low
5030s level not far off though 37
5033s okay he I knew I had one floating around
5036s not well on
5042s regret dispel the
5054s barrier all right more questions
5065s staves with Shield yep uh yeah
5068s two-handed I think it's any two-handed
5069s weapon with a shield I that's what the
5071s how the not is
5072s worded uh I have been capped on
5074s character slots for quite a while now
5079s wow uh any movement on getting extra
5081s paid character slots we don't want to
5082s pay for extra character slots but I do
5084s think we want to add more character
5085s slots so I don't think you should have
5086s to pay for it but I think we should be
5087s opening up more
5092s um yeah offline there's basically no
5094s liit but online there is um and I know
5097s we changed something recently that
5099s should make it easier to add more as
5101s well uh sorry if I missed it but uh were
5104s there any plans to slow uh to allow a
5106s button on controllers to be bound to an
5108s ability I don't think we have any plans
5110s I don't I don't know I know that was
5112s asked earlier um but you can uh you can
5115s rewind the controller mapping outside of
5117s the game to allow it if you want if
5119s you're really itching for
5122s it uh are was the movement coming to l e
5125s at some point other games also keep good
5126s work yeah oh it was a re it was a repost
5129s cuz the one didn't uh it wasn't uh
5130s pinging me and I saw it anyway so I'm
5132s like I'm just going to answer
5134s it uh will the set item changes be in
5137s season 2
5141s maybe
5143s uh is there any plan uh to add an option
5147s for focusing lenses in tab
5150s priority uh no but I think we should
5153s shouldn't we
5155s uh there's a couple
5156s lens was there was some lens quality of
5158s life thing that we were
5160s adding what it was I don't think it was
5162s that though but we
5165s should uh any considerations in the
5167s Sentinel changes to help with class
5169s fantasy a lot of Palin builds focus on
5171s wands for spell damage and running
5173s around with little stick is a little
5174s underwhelming for a paladin things like
5176s converting weapon damage to spell damage
5177s come to mind s who NOS that Spell blade
5179s has yeah there's there's there's things
5181s like that that we've been looking at I I
5183s can't get into specific on things like
5184s that but yeah that's that is an issue
5186s where you have this like um off theme
5190s weapon like it's great to have off theme
5191s weapons be optional and and ways that
5193s you can like build into them and do cool
5195s stuff that like kind of you're breaking
5197s the game but I think having the game
5199s break the convention itself is generally
5202s not
5204s ideal as like the default way if it
5207s breaks the Convention as like a a weird
5208s optional roundabout way it's fine but
5209s having it be like the main way to play
5211s is best I think
5216s uh new skills coming to season 2 yes
5218s there are new skills coming to season
5221s 2 they're going to be sweet not do that
5225s we have Mana problems all of a
5228s sudden we are going to need to deal with
5231s those
5235s ASAP all HG have announced that the next
5237s update would incompass things from the
5240s next I think it's two updates we're
5242s supposed to say next instead next to
5244s updates let's
5245s on the old road map but the new one we
5247s have nothing about ancient era Primal
5248s hunt or Primal uniques that is a true
5250s statement uh we do not have anything
5252s about those two things on there um it is
5256s not a complete combination of the of the
5258s things that were on the old road map it
5261s is that there is stuff that was going to
5262s go in each of them that's coming to this
5264s point
5274s and there's things that weren't going to
5276s go in either of them that are going in
5278s this now like it's yeah there's like
5281s there's there's things that were going
5282s to go in 1.2 things that were going to
5284s go in 1.3 and things that weren't going
5286s to go in either one of them and all
5288s three of those things are going into one
5291s um but it's not like everything from
5296s each I apologize that there was some
5298s confusion there
5306s should move faster with that Shrine it
5308s was nice what I get what I get I get
5310s speaking of
5312s Wands reach to the Grave do that useless
5316s for me on this build that's
5323s okay any chance to further develop
5325s controller support there's lots of
5326s controller support stuff coming I talked
5327s about a little bit earlier uh you can go
5329s back and check that out but yes uh hello
5331s Mike for me personally El crafting
5333s system is my favorite thank you
5335s I love it too um so I have a question
5338s related to that what are your thoughts
5340s on a rare glyph that makes us able to
5343s increase aix's Beyond tier five uh we do
5346s have a pretty hard rule on not doing
5347s that um on an item but in return a
5350s random stat will drop by the same level
5353s of the increase
5355s um I think that's a really cool idea um
5359s I think it kind of goes against how
5362s we've tried to set up exalted affixes in
5364s the game's uh ecosystem in general like
5367s the whole item system in general and um
5370s we do
5371s have plans for new ways to interact with
5374s crafting in the game coming um I'm sorry
5377s that's not one of
5378s [Music]
5385s them I cannot
5394s [Applause]
5397s storms this is not over all
5402s right more questions is shattering going
5405s to be streamlined it's kind of mind
5408s sweeper like chore trying to shatter
5410s full
5411s inventory
5414s oh
5417s um I don't think we have anything for
5419s that right now but I understand the
5423s frustration uh any thought thought of uh
5425s stealing an idea from 40K Inquisitor
5427s they have an in-game achievement for a
5429s class specific thing say cast 10,000
5431s smites it gives plus one stat so you're
5433s incentivized to try out different play
5434s Styles without being super needed to get
5436s them all um we we definitely talked
5440s about things like that actually
5444s um I can't remember why we didn't do
5447s it that was that was definitely
5449s discussed at at length um it was it was
5452s before actually 40K was out so I don't
5454s think it was specifically the fighter
5456s key version but something extremely
5457s similar to that was heavily discussed at
5460s one
5470s point
5473s oh keep this train rolling we at 16
5476s we're 16 appropriately leveled Mike for
5481s shame
5492s all right all right all
5496s right to the surface we've
5499s escaped funny it's spelled just like the
5501s word Escape will eoth remain the
5503s Pinnacle boss in season 2 and if so will
5506s there be an in-game ladder for first
5507s kill um I don't know if there's going to
5509s be an in-game ladder for first kill I
5510s think it'll still be the Pinnacle boss
5512s though in season two
5515s we are working on new ladders though I
5516s know that's that's the sort of thing
5518s that we are trying to to get out I don't
5520s I don't know this I can't can't speak
5522s the status specifically on season 2 on
5523s that um but new new ladders and new
5526s interesting ladders that's something
5527s that we did there was a brainstorming
5528s session on that I I saw of like hey what
5532s do people want ladders
5533s for and uh then let's build the back end
5536s to make those
5541s work so I think we're in the let's build
5543s the back end to make those work
5546s facee I
5553s am give me
5555s treasure I cannot do that
5561s treasure thank
5567s you all
5569s right uh what about bringing in
5572s something similar to raids with more
5574s than four people per party our raids
5576s taking an hour or two per raid or
5577s something it would be super cool to see
5578s more social type things put into the
5580s game um we're we really hesitant to
5584s bring content into the game that
5585s requires more than one person to
5587s complete um I think if we did start
5590s doing raid style content it would need
5592s to be um things you could like hire
5594s mercenary parties to like do it with
5598s you um it's a
5601s pretty
5602s high uh High scope thing to be putting
5606s in that uh possibly borderline you know
5609s goes against some stuff we want to do
5611s with the game so it's I low probability
5614s I would say but um you know maybe in the
5617s future like it's it's it's a new style
5619s of content to to add to the game and at
5621s some point we're going to be looking for
5622s those and being like where can we find
5624s one you
5627s know uh I think this is necessary to
5631s just get that W DEC threshold
5637s I do want to acknowledge there more wasi
5638s questions and I've talked about that a
5640s few times it's it's in the we'd love to
5643s don't know if it's feasible to do
5650s category but we have been running
5657s tests I I think part of it is
5661s like we've been trying really we've been
5663s putting a large emphasis on quality in
5665s the game recently um so whenever we're
5667s looking to like add something if
5669s someone's like it's kind of janky but I
5671s think it's really good to have we like
5672s no let's get a good quality version of
5673s it not make a janky version of it um and
5677s that's that's sort of the we we we've
5678s been really avoiding putting in like a
5680s lowquality version now just to get
5681s something in there and then you know
5683s we'll make it better later and then it
5684s sits in the game for 3 years as this
5686s lowquality version cuz it's kind of good
5687s enough and people get used to it and and
5690s then you're left with this kind of junky
5692s system and the game looks bad because of
5693s that cuz it is you know and it's um it's
5697s a tricky thing to start putting things
5699s like that in
5701s um cuz it then puts uh puts some like
5704s handcuffs on you to say okay well next
5705s next patch you have to do a good version
5707s of this because it can't sit in the game
5709s as a basic version and um so we we and
5714s it is like it does take time and it
5715s takes time away from other things and so
5716s there's a lot of stuff you the way
5719s um but it is a extremely important
5722s feature to a lot of players now
5723s especially that people have had a chance
5724s to try it out in other games
5727s so who knows what'll happen with it at
5729s this
5733s point and while it's not my personal cup
5735s of tea um I I do really want I love
5740s adding accessibility options for players
5742s when someone's like I couldn't play the
5743s game because some reason now this thing
5747s got added and I can play the game now
5749s like that's that's great
5751s right that's that's two thumbs up
5753s awesome
5755s uh will we be see will we see new stuff
5757s around set items this patch coming or
5759s later it'll either be this patch or next
5765s patch we're working on
5768s it okay you know
5771s what take a second out from killing of
5773s killing
5776s monsters take a second out from killing
5778s monsters here is a cool little uh
5783s screenshot from the settings panel I
5785s know it's kind of weird settings panel
5786s it's D why some settings panel stuff
5789s well this is a new option in the
5791s settings panel that will show up in
5795s 1.2 slightly redacted
5835s sticky down in the corner let's keep
5836s playing I feel like I should almost jump
5838s down to the live and see what people are
5839s saying about
5840s it sorry I'll get to your questions on
5842s it eventually
5846s apologize I think if uh I was expecting
5849s a little bit more we we've had some slow
5850s streams recently and I I said I was
5853s expecting more people to show up this
5854s time and there are happy to have all you
5856s here love it
5857s um but I really do think I need to uh I
5861s cannot do that get some help with the
5863s question Subs I'm not great at uh lining
5866s up
5867s questions efficiently I cannot uh would
5870s you consider adding skins for the
5872s monolith room between Echoes I'd pay
5875s money for those also sorry if I'm making
5877s too many questions if there's Li There's
5878s No Limit I haven't noticed you asking
5879s too many I've had lots of great
5881s questions if bunch of them have been you
5883s keep asking
5884s them
5886s um and uh I I think it's a great idea um
5891s we we don't have anything coming for
5893s that in 1.2 I'd love to see it it's not
5895s the first time we seen it suggested um
5898s but it is like that's kind of one of
5899s those things we we've talked about
5900s hideouts being um a little
5904s like off the beaten path and you know we
5906s don't want people like like hiding out
5908s we want people playing together and
5909s things like that but like having ways to
5911s show off cool things your party members
5914s in that in Echo of a
5915s world I believe that Zone's called um or
5919s emest is the is the scene code if you
5922s want to know
5925s um
5926s and yeah I think it's a great
5931s idea uh dual class for the future maybe
5934s like a druid Necromancer these minions
5936s from both classes or without a setback I
5938s I I I love this idea I this is not the
5941s first time I've seen this suggested
5942s either
5943s um but yeah I think it's great having um
5947s like classes that combine multiple it's
5950s it is really tricky cuz there's lots of
5951s things that are set up very specifically
5953s in the lower sections of the trees to
5955s synergize with other classes um and and
5959s mixing mixing and matching those causes
5961s some weird stuff to happen um
5964s um and it might cause us to like Nerf
5967s some nodes or like uh I think we
5971s probably have to have certain nodes that
5973s were
5973s like this just doesn't work if you're a
5976s hybrid class like or or a multic class
5979s or a mix class or whatever you want to
5980s call it
5982s um so I think there there's there's a
5984s lot of fine-tune balce stuff that would
5985s happen that would there'd be a lot of a
5988s lot of spanners in the works type thing
5990s um but I would love to do it I think it
5993s be a ton of
5998s fun or the other thing as well is just
6000s like having items that give abilities so
6003s it's just like you're uh like a rogue
6007s and you you get a bow that gives you
6009s someon wolf you know like like I think I
6011s think that's another way to do it as
6013s well where you can just like put a
6014s single ability over
6021s um you know all things things like that
6024s are stuff we we like to
6034s explore
6036s uh uh any chance to further develop
6038s controller support yes bunch of stuff
6039s feels clunky the state is right now
6041s being able to lean back and slay stuff
6042s is so relaxing in other RPGs yeah um
6045s there's a bunch of targeting stuff
6046s coming this patch and a bunch of like
6047s little menu stuff is I say little it's a
6049s ton of hard work but there's lots of
6050s stuff of like how menus are organized
6052s and certain hot keys and things like
6053s that that that's being improved and and
6055s lots of fixes and stuff like that for
6056s there too but like the the targeting is
6058s the big big part of the controller stuff
6059s coming this
6063s match uh will we get a boss's first kill
6066s ladder I don't know if it's going to be
6067s 1.2 but is something that we are working
6076s on quality of life question removing the
6079s and equip removing and equipping an item
6081s with a plus X to skill AIC always
6083s results in the skills with unused skill
6085s points is there a way to remember this
6087s sometimes for boss fights you want to
6089s swap items and you always end up with
6091s unused skill points
6099s um maybe we don't have anything like
6103s that for 1.2 I can tell you that um this
6105s is one of those things that um it is a
6109s little frustrating for players and we do
6111s get like we do get feedback on this
6112s category a fair bit so I think that
6114s there is um there is an issue to be
6117s solved I'm not sure if I'm not sure if
6120s that's the best way to solve it it might
6121s be um you can't
6129s run but I I do think that there is an
6131s issue to solve there
6138s um yeah uh is there a possibility for
6141s auto pickup and storage for crafting
6142s materials like gold
6145s just going to glance over this way for a
6147s second um all right the crafting system
6151s Le is so amazing thank you for the and
6152s the team for the hard work that's gone
6154s into it into that but is there anything
6156s new or further improvements coming to
6158s the crafting system in next season oh
6160s yeah oh
6164s yeah yes definitely
6167s yes
6170s um yeah I can't talk about it yet
6174s is see this big
6177s grin
6182s yeah it's going to be
6187s [Music]
6192s great there's there's uh changes
6196s to um things in these categories
6200s coming um
6203s there's additions there's
6205s removal uh and it's a good thing trust
6209s me um
6213s there's
6215s uh there's there's other other systems
6218s as well uh that are that are getting
6220s added for more crafting stuff in new
6224s situations um yeah there there's lots of
6227s cool crafting stuff coming yeah it's
6228s going to be great
6230s [Music]
6237s there was there was there was one
6238s meeting that
6240s uh I was sitting in I was I was I was
6244s typing up like a um like a recap from
6247s last meeting or something like that I
6248s can't what it was I was doing and um and
6251s someone someone made an offend comment
6252s like I really wish we could just do this
6253s and it's like something like oh we'll
6255s never be able to do that and someone
6256s else is like we can do that and I'm like
6260s whoa whoa whoa did I just hear what I
6262s think I just heard yeah it's going to be
6274s good all right I'm I'm excited for the
6276s crafting changes I don't know if you can
6279s tell uh is there a possibility to get a
6280s skip campaign after beating one time
6282s like Diablo um I talked about this a
6284s little bit earlier um I hope you were
6286s there for that uh essentially we're not
6287s playing on that but we do want to
6289s increase the freedom people have to
6290s customize their character leveling
6291s experience um so that more uh Advanced
6294s players are able to uh to to take
6296s alternate routes easier have it be
6298s faster have it be um like more
6301s challenging but you know if you if you
6302s got a if you're experienced player and
6304s you have a good build and you have maybe
6306s items that's in all its characters you
6307s can um you can jump ahead faster and
6309s there's uh you less risk of forgetting
6312s of of having stuff be left
6314s behind so we we don't a lot of times
6317s where it's like okay yeah you can jump
6318s ahead you do it like but I still have to
6319s go back and get these things that that's
6322s kind of a a key point that we want to
6323s sort of
6326s fix I did go past I could go back for
6328s this I thought we're going to do
6329s lightless Arbor we're going to go back
6330s do we have the wayo here
6336s yet we have the way point we do have the
6338s way point we're going
6340s back we're going back we're going to go
6343s try it I don't think we have time to do
6345s it this this uh might do it next time
6347s start the next next uh which way is it
6350s it's up
6352s there I walked right past it are you
6355s going to update the unique models to
6357s match the thumbnail when you equip them
6358s for example the body unique looks
6360s different uh it's something that we're
6361s working on it's going to take a long
6362s time to get them all in
6365s um I I there's not 1.2 is not going to
6369s be a huge update that include a huge
6370s update as far as unique body armors
6372s getting looking like the actual body
6374s armors I'm
6379s sorry
6380s uh more questions
6384s did I oh it jumped all the way to the
6387s bottom was I that far
6393s behind oh my God I was that far behind
6396s that it jumped me all the way to the
6399s bottom oh I'm so sorry okay I'm just
6401s going to scroll up and answer some some
6402s questions here let's let's speedrun some
6406s questions uh any graphics changes for
6408s the next update also will you revisit UI
6410s somewhat such as chat interface friends
6412s list maybe clean up some things there's
6413s there's always updates happening around
6414s those things um not I wouldn't say a
6417s complete overhaul in all of those
6418s categories but there are there are
6420s updates in those
6421s categories um any Val orb sty crafting
6424s coming 1.2
6431s uh
6437s [Applause]
6439s no uh
6443s uh okay a psycher build in last Epoch
6447s psycher I don't know what that
6450s is like a like a Mesmer from Guild Wars
6452s that's about the best thing that sounds
6454s like to me sure it's from a game that I
6456s should have played and
6460s haven't uh would if I skipped your
6463s question and you're like that that
6464s question was asked way after mine and I
6465s missed it I'm really sorry um but I am
6469s far
6471s behind all right would love a loot
6474s lizard Queen boss that fights back yeah
6477s kind of like
6479s um we we we we talked about a few things
6481s like this something kind of like the the
6483s end of the the the vaults in
6486s D3 um any plans for adding sound cues
6490s for loot filter like Poe hearing that
6492s Ding EOG nice EOG item drops would be
6495s awesome I agree I don't think anything's
6497s in there right now for
6499s it uh do you feel any pressure from poe2
6501s coming out as a competitor or you seeing
6503s it as a good source for ideas um I mean
6506s I'm I I've seeing it as uh a really fun
6509s awesome game that I am enjoying playing
6512s and
6516s um I I don't think I think it is only
6518s good for the genre and by extension good
6521s for us that it is doing so
6530s well all right
6535s question is can we get out of
6542s here I might just not be strong enough
6544s to do this I may have to go put on some
6546s better uniques my
6553s goodness I cannot do that okay this is
6556s going to be
6557s tight but I need to answer
6561s questions uh I can finally talk about
6563s auto storage thank you you're welcome a
6568s weir looks like people are enjoying this
6570s that's great this is not Auto pickup
6572s sorry to be clear this is um it it's
6575s it's it's skipping this
6582s button uh would you be able to comment
6585s on what redact it is it's a new item
6587s type that would have reacted to this
6591s button but uh you're going to get an
6594s option to make it's not need
6599s to similar to the things near it in the
6603s list yeah uh I know you've been asked
6606s lots already but any plans for offline
6607s ntx I play exclusive the offline I been
6609s money in my steam wallet um I don't
6612s think we have uh I I don't think that's
6614s being actively pursued at the moment but
6615s I think it is something that would be
6616s nice to do if we
6618s could uh can you reveal any ideas uh
6621s build and classwise you have to drop due
6624s to them adding too much
6625s complexity oh good question
6630s um there's there's tons of stuff I top
6634s my head can I think of one it's a good
6637s example not
6639s really
6642s um yes here we go um and something that
6645s might hopefully come back I still I have
6647s faith cuz we now have ways to interact
6648s with other abilities um we had the idea
6652s of a a um like one player casts tornado
6655s and another player cast Fireball and
6657s hits tornado turns the fireball into
6658s turns the tornado into a fire tornado
6660s and does a bunch of extra damage and all
6661s that sort of stuff um and that
6664s got
6666s um that got pulled and that's why we
6668s actually have the fire tornado node
6672s um oh wow that's so exciting will
6674s redacted also be uh able to redacted or
6678s is that a season 3 thing um the redacted
6681s line is coming in season 2
6684s um the the the little screenshot there
6686s is a screenshot from what season 2 will
6688s look like and um we just that's that's
6693s Photoshop after the
6694s fact uh you wanted to go do lightless AR
6696s I think thank you for the reminder
6697s morning Mike uh first time able to catch
6699s a stream live which is great what has
6701s been the biggest bottleneck to achieving
6703s a faster patch cycle and do you feel the
6705s bottleneck is being resolved with season
6706s 2 um
6713s I don't know I don't know I don't have a
6715s good answer to this
6719s um we we are definitely increasing our
6722s speed of doing things that's absolutely
6724s true um more and more content is getting
6726s created faster and
6729s faster there like a dozen things we've
6732s done for that I don't know what the
6733s biggest one would be I'm
6735s sorry love the spoiler can't imagine
6737s ever unchecking a single one of those
6738s boxes yeah me neither but you know what
6741s um the options the best way to do
6758s it uh Happy New Year my Ki thank you
6761s Happy New Year to you
6763s too oh new specialization slot got to
6766s get that
6767s using might we might we might go a
6769s little long here if everyone's oh we're
6771s throwing it over to
6774s uh Aaron after this I don't know what
6776s the timing of that is Aaron tell me if
6778s you're starting like immediately after
6780s the stream ends or if I've got a little
6781s bit of a buffer time if I go late let me
6783s know if you're
6786s listening um any plans for gear build
6789s loadouts no
6793s um that's that's a tricky thing I
6798s would I think having them without having
6800s a way to like wholesale swap between
6802s them
6803s it's it's a tricky proposition to to
6826s include fools fools
6833s all right more questions so basically
6835s all cooked and still cooking can't wait
6838s yeah uh do you feel Health versus Ward
6840s balance is in a good spot at the moment
6842s um I think that there is a significant
6846s amount of uh difference in the in the
6849s curves of of where they get their power
6852s from So like
6856s um I think the the maximum potential of
6858s Ward is probably a little bit higher but
6860s I don't think the maximum potential is
6861s like dramatically
6864s higher
6867s um in a lot of
6872s situations um but the early potential is
6875s dramatically higher
6879s um so you know we're we're we're looking
6881s at changing those curves a
6883s bit okay good we got a little time we're
6885s going to go a little bit late not not
6887s crazy late we're going to go a little
6887s bit late sorry someone's Wai wanting me
6889s to finish for some other reason
6893s uh cuz we got lots of good questions and
6894s I don't like cutting them off uh any
6897s chance for next season to contain a set
6898s challenge a set of challenges 40 to be
6903s exact no
6907s 40 this is a reference something I'm
6909s missing it I'm
6916s sorry I don't know what the reference is
6918s too I
6919s should I'm I'm really early in poe2 and
6922s I've been intentionally not watching
6925s anything cuz I want to try and
6926s experience it all naively
6929s um so there's I'm I'm guessing there's
6932s something
6934s there uh I like going this
6939s way uh let's go that way for
6942s now up
6947s here uh cold
6949s pen I think that's where we want to go
6952s let me just look yeah good not crazy
6959s well not making
6964s mistakes uh someone's replied to someone
6968s else and asking for a comment uh-oh how
6972s do I find
6977s that oh it's just a joke okay cool uh
6981s our unique Quest monster is supposed to
6983s respawn if you Town portal after killing
6985s them and then just go
6987s back um this is an unfortunate side
6991s effect of uh the the zones
6994s respawning
6998s um we we are still working on better
7000s ways to make Zone
7001s persistance uh play better and work
7003s better and all sort of
7005s stuff but until then it's not a
7009s bug it's a future
7018s uh since you got kicked to the bottom
7020s mer store update
7022s again um I don't have anything for you
7025s on the category I
7034s apologize these bees are
7037s MVP of uh
7042s of this
7048s build fight amongst yourselves I cannot
7052s do
7055s that if you didn't know uh Mages Exile
7059s Mages will fight their they they're
7061s enemies to everyone um they'll fight
7063s each other and so you can actually use
7066s the Exile Mages to kill things
7072s if you
7086s want I cannot do that
7104s come
7105s on I cannot do
7121s that come
7123s on do zero damage here I need to fix
7127s that
7133s I cannot do
7144s that Pebbles not
7151s bad I cannot do
7156s that more questions Mike this is the
7159s problem with me with me going down this
7160s path is that it's actually kind of
7161s difficult
7164s uh since you got keep the bottom yet uh
7166s thanks for deterministic crafting not
7167s entirely but you know um deterministic
7170s elements I think are really great
7171s volcanic orb tree getting any love not a
7174s ton uh merch store 2025 gosh I sure hope
7177s so uh curious about two things Marksman
7180s lacking flat cold damage for Elemental
7182s arrows Bush and spellblade lacking uh
7186s decent lightning melee options are those
7189s intentional um
7193s I mean
7194s there's I think there's some pretty
7196s powerful lightning melee
7198s options uh available one of my buddies
7201s is playing a lightning melee build
7202s that's great uh for Spell blade so yeah
7205s I I think they might not
7208s be uh there might be room for some extra
7211s stuff but I don't think it's like Barren
7214s Wasteland type thing on most of those
7218s um cold is a low C cold for been yeah
7223s that's being intentionally not there
7225s yeah uh considering the length of the
7227s campaign is there any is there a worry
7229s that LE season leagues may not be
7231s participated in or will there be
7232s supplemental campaigns during those
7234s times the original campaign is skippable
7237s um I think people that are experienced
7238s enough to be like uh having done the
7240s campaign a few times are going to are
7242s are doing it very quickly um and we are
7245s looking at new ways to to augment that
7247s with as as more experienced players and
7249s I missed a sub I apologize and there's a
7251s new one here too so Wonder
7253s uh gun steam V thank you for the sub
7256s appreciate you
7259s and shoot uh Ferrera B fera 2735 I
7268s appreciate you thanks for being
7270s here um all right last Epoch Rune words
7273s confirmed oh my goodness I would love
7274s Rune words we the
7276s um uh legendary crafting is kind of a
7281s similar
7282s uh Vibe initially to run wordss is is
7285s sort of a similar
7286s feel from a like game design
7290s standpoint any chance for hardcore uh
7292s Run High corruption Maps making your
7294s build voided and deleting instead of
7296s going to standard or normal Seasons
7300s um probably not I think anyone who
7302s really cares about that is just going to
7303s stop playing the the It Anyways when it
7304s gets kicked out and they don't have
7306s access to their stash um but this way it
7308s gives people who are like I want to try
7310s it but I don't know if I'm actually
7310s going to enjoy it a chance to do that
7313s with a little less risk so I think it'll
7314s get more people into
7316s it are the cycles going to be a yearly
7319s update no uh if so what's causing the
7322s bottleneck between Cycles that's it's
7324s we've never had a cycle go a full year
7327s um have the boss War Chang has been
7329s implemented to the community test realm
7330s I believe so yes if so how has it been
7333s received by the community testers I I
7335s haven't looked I'm
7336s sorry um I know the what we've said
7341s about it has been received very well
7343s podcast starts in 96 Minutes okay cool I
7346s know this a little while ago happy New
7348s Year how difficult uh was it to
7350s implement the auto sort for inventory
7352s for playing P2 I highly miss that and
7355s Ellie telling me the the heck damage
7357s type I di to um the the the damage type
7359s die two is actually tricky um the the
7364s sort uh the sort is a terrible sorting
7367s algorithm that I wrote forever ago and
7370s really wish we would fix cuz it's so
7372s bad
7379s um it it is not it it is a like a first
7384s year computer science major level
7388s algorithm to do it the the version we're
7390s using it's it's terrible and uh I
7393s apologize for the mistakes it makes
7403s human this guy in her there is a way to
7406s get this character to join you at the
7408s end of time only by guiding
7417s you uh P1 has 40 challenges every leue
7420s ah oh I see what you're
7423s saying I totally forgot about those yes
7427s um I love that
7429s system that's a good one right isn't
7431s that something people like
7434s totally forgot about it it's been a
7435s while since I've actually tried to
7436s complete one of them uh would you say
7438s these bees are the bees needes I
7439s absolutely would yes uh will there be
7444s new experimental affixes and will other
7447s item types get any if so um experimental
7449s axes I would say there's uh there are
7452s some minor adjustments to some
7454s experimental ax things
7457s um but uh it's not a significant change
7461s happening do that uh it's not like a oh
7464s shoot oh wow okay
7467s nice thought I was just dead cuz I made
7469s a mistake but it took pity on me I can
7473s not do
7487s that oh gosh
7493s that's just me being an idiot I'm like
7495s oh let's teleport and use my movement
7497s ability that I need to save
7500s myself oh of course you can't redo
7503s it
7509s oh I forgot that wasn't an
7515s option I would have picked my gear out
7518s more carefully
7527s okay well we're
7529s overtime and next time I'm not going to
7532s finish here I'm I'm going to answer a
7533s bunch more questions next time I'm going
7534s to actually do that and I'm going to
7536s succeed cuz I'm going to take a second
7538s and actually put some better gear on
7540s um and and I'm going to play not like an
7543s idiot and we're going to do
7545s it let's answer some questions around
7547s this
7550s out uh
7553s I haven't played in a while but my
7555s favorite skill is hammer throw there
7557s wasn't any good modifiers to it for
7558s lightning damage besides Idols has this
7560s been changed or will this be a new uh
7563s changed in the new season
7564s um I don't think there's significant
7568s lightning damage updates in 1.2 to
7570s hammer throw I don't think it's in
7575s 1.2 uh since you are balancing around
7577s 300 corruption is uh any plans for
7580s balancing favor and loot in a way where
7582s people won't feel forced to play 700
7585s plus corruption if they want maximum
7587s efficiency I mean there's H you're
7594s always I think the pursuit of efficiency
7596s is very natural and I think if
7599s we
7602s um I think we'd have to put pretty
7604s significant diminishing returns on
7606s corruption's application to uh favor
7610s gain and I don't think that would be
7612s very well received in
7616s general um will there be but but I I I
7620s hear the problem you're talking about I
7621s think there's better
7622s Solutions um will there be in the future
7625s a way to see how much uh favor an enemy
7628s gives upon death or something similar uh
7631s will there be any other ways to gain
7632s favor much faster uh I I don't think
7639s there I understand this I'm sorry for
7642s the non- answer here again I understand
7643s the problem you're getting at um and we
7645s do have some changes to address that
7647s feeling um there's there's probably not
7650s going to be a way to say like this
7651s monster gives this much favor favor is
7652s directly related to experience and you
7654s can just like look at your experience
7655s bar kill something look at your
7656s experience bar and you can you can
7657s figure it out that way if you want
7659s um
7663s but um the concern is heard and
7667s understood and we are making adjustments
7670s on that category um um but I can't
7674s really talk about it yet
7676s sorry yeah not a question but I just
7678s really appreciate the way you guys give
7680s an option to pursue trade or solo play
7683s and interesting increasing rewards uh
7686s it's the best way I've seen done in all
7688s RPGs thank
7690s you I heard the controller updates will
7692s be amazing I they are pretty good um
7695s does that mean uh does that mean
7698s traversal skill ground targeting has
7700s been updated uh possibly to mimic The
7702s Shield charge ability where it continues
7704s to Traverse until the button is released
7706s so there's
7709s um no like so if you're if you're
7711s targeting teleport teleport won't let
7715s you um like hold down teleport button
7718s and it like move the move the cursor out
7721s and then like once you let go it
7722s teleports you we still want that
7724s teleport to happen immediately when you
7725s first press the button and that that
7727s delay time it feels terrible with with
7730s an ability that needs to happen
7731s instantly um so it's it's still going to
7734s try and um pick a pick a point but it's
7737s going to pick it a little bit
7743s smarter actually a lot bit smarter but
7746s yeah uh if GGG had New Year's
7749s resolutions uh what would it be if GGG
7752s had New Year's res if ehg I think it's
7754s if it must be
7755s ehg um what about you obviously what
7758s about you obviously you tackled weight
7760s loss like a champ any personal goals
7762s this year ah I see what you're saying
7765s um I actually started the weight loss
7767s thing in on April 1 not January 1 um
7771s don't know why just sort of started but
7776s um I think you know just just tons more
7781s content I think that would be the big
7783s just like this is this is 2025 is going
7785s to be last EPO I I I hope the most
7789s content released that we've had
7792s that that would be my goal that would be
7793s my personal goal is just like get as
7794s much content out as possible and like um
7798s I know the main project I'm working on
7799s right now that's for post 1.2 it like
7802s the the number like we're like okay we
7803s need this many of this thing Mike start
7806s now because it's going to take you a
7807s long time like that number is an absurd
7810s number where I'm like we can we're going
7812s to do it we can do it but like it's
7816s crazy when that gets revealed you be
7818s like ah I see what you've been doing for
7819s the last year
7820s Mike uh uh yeah so yeah lots lotss of
7823s content I think that's the big thing
7824s it's just this is this is content year
7826s content content
7828s content uh all right can we skip the
7830s campaign mid game endgame and alts um
7834s just put game skip so I can complain
7836s about no content I think this is a bit
7838s of a meme um we are I I think that
7842s there's like having I think that
7845s the the lack of variety in the campaign
7850s um hurts it a bit for returning players
7852s for people who've like been playing last
7854s Epoch for 5 years and have done the
7856s campaign 100 times and that that there
7859s is a lack of variety there I think it
7860s hurts it quite a bit
7863s um and I do really want to add more
7865s variety to that and like like get more
7867s dungeons in get more mechanics in get
7869s more like like seasonal style mechanics
7871s that show up and and affect the campaign
7872s experience and things like that and so
7875s you know like a new player comes back
7876s who maybe maybe skipped three seasons
7878s and comes back and starts playing and
7879s they're like like they got to do the
7881s campaign again start of the season but
7882s it's like oh my God there's all this new
7884s stuff that I'm experiencing the campaign
7885s and I'm learning these mechanics
7886s throughout the campaign that then help
7888s you dive into endgame really smoothly
7890s and I think that's a really positive
7891s experience um and then a player who's
7893s like I'm making my fifth alt this season
7895s is able to be like okay well I'm going
7896s to like start here and jump to this
7899s point and jump to that point and I'm
7900s into end game super early and I'm like
7901s 30 levels underleveled but who cares cuz
7903s I've got this sweet legendary Axe and
7906s you know just it's I think that those
7907s experiences are both really important
7909s and having both those flow and feel good
7911s is is great
7915s uh totally agree on the delay feeling
7917s bad thank you for answering me I always
7919s dislike traversal abilities on
7920s controller across all games uh cuz
7922s sometimes getting used to it for
7923s escaping body blocker issues yeah and I
7925s think there's a lot of we do have a
7927s variety as you point out there are some
7928s movement abilities that play a lot
7929s better on control than others like
7931s charge style abilities where you are
7932s holding that button down and you can and
7934s like the ability is balanced around
7935s having that functionality work that way
7937s or fix distance dashes so such as things
7939s like um uh where Surge and shift um
7944s things like that work really well as on
7946s controller because it they go the same
7947s distance no matter what so you just got
7948s to pick the direction and um the new
7951s systems we've got for controller
7952s targeting will help that direction feel
7954s a lot better more
7956s frequently um like like little things
7959s like there's
7961s um uh if you if you take smoke bomb and
7964s there's a node in smoke bomb that makes
7966s it a back flip and there's a no smoke
7968s that makes that back flip into a front
7969s flip and uh currently I think if you
7972s take the backflip
7973s node it targets properly but if you take
7976s the front flip node it actually like
7977s turns you around and goes the wrong
7979s direction or something like that and
7980s it's I can't there's a weird thing with
7983s the controller right now with with those
7984s nodes and um there's a whole buch in the
7987s new targeting stuff that Target that
7988s specifically will Target in the proper
7990s positions to make those like feel way
7992s better based on what's
7996s Happening
7999s yeah uh all right I've been got for be
8003s eight months Mike looking sexy my de
8004s thank you feeling good uh what is it
8008s Mike what is it sorry no can do uh any
8013s plans on making the time spent on Arena
8016s be rewarding uh speaking on loot
8019s something like how Grim Dawn um handles
8021s it right now it's better to just run
8023s monoliths and ignore the arena
8025s completely I think the um I think
8027s there's room for some like Arena rewards
8029s I'd love to see Arena rewards be really
8030s good in Arena
8032s um and not so great elsewhere and I
8034s don't know how best to do that
8037s really will L get more love it will um
8041s some of the stuff we wanted to do for
8042s Lich didn't make it into 1.2 I'm
8044s sorry sorry heavy uh there's also I
8049s think there's some stuff though it's not
8051s nothing but there's yeah um there's also
8055s I think a smoke bomb interaction where
8056s you're inside the smoke you can't uh
8058s work with other abilities uh but it
8060s doesn't throw feet as an option yeah it
8063s would be a great option it hasn't
8064s happened yeah yeah exactly that so yeah
8065s there's yeah it throws that one right at
8067s your feet every single time so that you
8068s don't it doesn't throw outside of where
8070s you are so it actually works and there's
8072s another one where it like it uses a a
8073s range shot and makes sure to throw that
8075s one shoot that one really far away at an
8076s enemy specifically cuz you're you're
8078s using it to like blind and debuff
8079s enemies instead of um buff yourself so
8083s yeah the there's smoke bomb was a ton of
8086s context specific like specialization and
8088s context specific targeting options that
8092s it will like it Che it checks the like
8095s okay there's enemies over here there's
8096s enemies over here you're facing this
8097s direction and it uses all of that
8098s information to pick the best Target in
8100s that situation and there's going to be
8102s some things that aren't perfect in the
8103s initial version cuz you'll and there's a
8105s bajillion combinations and we've tried
8106s to hit every combination we can and
8107s we've been testing it um but I'm sure
8109s someone's going to come with a build and
8111s be like no in this weird build situation
8113s I want to throw really far away even
8115s though it Buffs and we're like okay well
8116s let's find out a way to make it learn
8118s that um so yeah we're going to it'll I
8121s think it'll be like 98% amazing and
8123s there'll be a few edge cases that we'll
8125s need to fix
8127s still um just want to thank you guys for
8129s thinking controller players for thinking
8131s of controller players most of all thank
8133s you for the hybrid controller support
8134s it's amazing feature in your game you're
8136s welcome glad you like it um clap Bravo
8140s sir thank you for the love thoughts on
8141s your controller players we appreciate it
8142s you're welcome guys this is
8145s great uh range judgment when using a
8147s staff skill node when range judgment
8149s when using a staff skill that's a cool
8151s idea
8152s um I have no
8160s idea uh this is a very late character
8163s sheet rework reminder yeah oh my
8166s God I'm sorry it's not done
8169s yet um we we're getting close to the end
8172s here I think this is uh if you have any
8174s questions give it a couple minutes if
8175s you got any more last second ones drop
8177s that in I I appreciate it's good one I
8180s had a big problem targeting Buffs on
8181s minions will the controller patches fix
8183s that it'll definitely help a lot um cuz
8185s yes that is a problem one where it like
8187s it targets the specific spot there's
8189s still some like stuff happening where
8192s even if you get the targeting perfect it
8193s doesn't always hit the thing you want it
8194s to hit exactly but it does um it will
8197s Target the abilities a lot more
8199s accurately it'll Target on an enemy
8201s might not be the exact or sorry on an
8203s ally it might not be the exact Ally you
8205s wanted to Target um but it'll try and do
8207s its best based on what the ability is so
8209s like they it'll try and figure out if
8211s you should probably be targeting like
8213s the biggest thing or the smallest thing
8214s or the highest health or the lowest
8215s health and it'll try and do that
8217s automatically um and it doesn't always
8220s get it perfectly right but it's a lot
8223s lot better than it was before it can
8225s really it can it can survey the
8227s battlefield pretty well
8228s and figure out where best to do
8233s stuff uh what was your favorite treat to
8236s enjoy during your holiday
8238s away um
8243s I mean I didn't get one this year cuz I
8244s was trying to be good um but
8249s my uh okay here's
8251s we we made these it's it's like caramel
8256s corn chocolate almonds and cashews that
8260s we like like big families where like
8263s can't get can't get like proper presents
8265s for every single person so we make
8267s gigantic batches of that instead and and
8269s hand them out um so I had a little bit
8272s of that it was really good but Terry's
8274s chocolate orange is my like favorite
8276s Christmas treat and I didn't I didn't
8277s get one this
8278s year it's okay though was
8283s intentional um we know your favorite
8285s class what's your least favorite
8286s thematically not balance-wise
8295s um I don't I don't know
8304s you know what probably actually Mage I
8308s think I I think I I really like it
8311s though like my least favorite is still
8313s an eight out of
8316s 10 all right here we're just going to
8318s wrap this up I
8321s think uh Dev kits win I'm tired of hand
8325s rolling
8327s Jon uh I I don't uh don't have anything
8332s I'm sorry I don't have anything for you
8333s on that front doesn't have to be sweets
8336s that's a good point we had I made my my
8341s wife got a cookbook as a present um from
8344s her dad 9 years ago now and we've never
8347s made it's a like ridiculously fancy
8349s cookbook and we've never made anything
8350s out of it cuz they're just like the all
8352s the recipes that start with like 3 days
8354s before start doing this and so I made
8356s dinner out of
8359s that uh and that was amazing
8362s that was amazing the first first time
8364s I've ever bought
8367s tenderloin um was like my wife's big
8370s Christmas present was like dinner that I
8372s made but it was
8376s great but yes it took the the first the
8378s first one of the recipes started with 3
8380s days before the meal you have to start
8382s doing
8384s something and we didn't even eat it cuz
8386s it was the dessert we were all too
8389s full anyways okay that'll about do it
8392s for me we're going to wrap this up let's
8394s head on over to Aaron he's got a uh
8398s podcast
8404s starting will there be more interesting
8406s MTS Cosmetics yes lots more NPS
8408s Cosmetics coming they're awesome they're
8409s fantastic they look pretty they look
8410s cool I'm excited to share them with you
8412s all thank you very much for coming
8414s everyone I had a blast I hope you did
8415s too I'll be back same time same place oh
8418s I also missed uh Joe Breeze my guy
8422s appreciate the bits buddy and that'll do
8424s it for the end of the stream today I'll
8426s be back same time same place next week
8428s have a great time drink lots of water