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Just now I'm sorting my stash tabs, the bug appears after I name the 2 Category with same name but different color, etc: "Purple color Weapon" & "Brown color Weapon", "Purple color Armor" & "Brown color Armor" for Exalted & Unique weapons/ armors.

These same name but different color categories are inter connected (like when I clicked on "Purple color Weapon" there are unique weapons tabs which are suppose to be in a different category aka "Brown color Weapon"). As soon as I knew that I'm fked up, I changed those categories name back to "Ex Weapon" & "Un Weapon", but the bug still couldn't be fixed. I also tried removing all the tabs inside both connected categories to a new/ different category, and delete the bugged/ connected category, and its still the same...

as above, 2 different category are connected

I googled and saw some posts/ forums said that few of the tabs are deleted (2021 posts btw)... Help please, any idea how to fix this bug? I'm so worried to close the game now cuz I don't wanna lose my tabs after the game saved

Edit: the brown "Armour" category is the one that originally bugged and connected with purple color "Armour" category. I've deleted both of them after removing all tabs, but now the brown "Armour" reappear again

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RefrigeratorPrize277

Found a forum post and someone linked a solution in commenthttps://forum.lastepoch.com/t/stash-tab-categories-bug/47062/6

Should i try it or wait for EHG reply?

Edit: LOL I can't understand a single thing in the solution fml...

known bug, that's the only way to fix it at the moment, we will be fixing it when we multiplayerify the stash next patch

edit: the other way is just to delete your stash file but that will nuke everything, gold, crafting materials, everything.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RefrigeratorPrize277


Umm maybe I'm asking too much, but is it have a more simple /step by step solution guide? to try to solve this bug. Idk where to find the JSON file and how to edit those categoryid or displayorder sequences

Sorry, I know it sucks but I don't have a detailed method for you. Modifying your game files is not encouraged and runs the risk of causing more problems. If you decide to give it a shot, make a backup before you try.