about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Hello! Hello! Hello! :robot:

My name’s John and I’m originally from Scotland, though I no longer live there - nor have the accent, as is frequently pointed out to me. While Eleventh Hour Games got started in 2017, I joined at the very start of 2018 and I’ve been trolling the forum having fun ever since!

Online my first love was Freespace 2, and it’s still my favourite game of all time! Other games I’ve sank thousands of hours into include Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Diablo, and Path of Exile. Despite finding out I’ve never played Chrono Trigger, @Mox hasn’t fired me (yet).

When I spend a lot of time playing a game I’ll invariably drift towards its forum. I amassed a frighteningly large post history on Blizzard’s various forums, though that was lost when they migrated to Discourse. They kindly inducted me into their MVP program while I was actively posting there, and I’m forever grateful for all I learned through regularly chatting with their wonderful staff & attending a community summit they hosted in Versailles.

Offline I’ve been stuck at home a lot lately, so I’m occupying myself with various programming & web dev projects in my spare time. I like reading about technology in general - I’m interested in getting a new MBP but am wary of Apple’s impending move to ARM as I don’t want to be stuck on a legacy platform but I also don’t want to buy into the first generation of ARM-based Macs, I keep tabs on how various Linux distros are evolving, and I’m getting a WiFi 6-supporting router soon so I’ve been looking at a bunch of reviews for those.

Outside of technology I absolutely love animals - I like both cats and dogs (I slightly prefer cats), and for the last year or so I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a pet hedgehog.

I’m the kind of person that always has music playing in the background - whenever I get a new computer or reinstall an Operating System, Spotify is one of the first things I download. :smile:

about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Imagine what it’s like for the rest of us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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