Awesomesauce. I was busy with work and was not able to attend anything. Did not even try to so as not to take up a slot. Have been hearing good things from several streamers about the event so far. Looking forward to playing it myself.
Awesomesauce. I was busy with work and was not able to attend anything. Did not even try to so as not to take up a slot. Have been hearing good things from several streamers about the event so far. Looking forward to playing it myself.
The next event doesn't really have slots to take up so if you're interested in even checking it out for a little bit, you can sign up no problem.
How do we know if we got in? I'm assuming I am since I signed up within minutes when you guys posted on discord.
Also, Is there a different client that we have to download? I don't think I've seen any info.
As long as there wasn't some sort of problem with the process, you got in. You should have a new beta branch option for the game in Steam.
For this event and going forward, do I need an internet connection to play offline (login)?
The multiplayer beta branches for the events happening pre-0.9 are online only. You can play offline pre-0.9 by going back to the normal live game build.