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Title. I remember seeing something about there being a wipe when multiplayer officially launches, but i can't find any source on it anymore. Is it still the case or was it just a myth?

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about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by InYouMustGo

From the Last Epoch Discord:

Offline characters created in 0.8.5f and earlier will still be available to play offline.

Online characters created in the beta multiplayer test events will not be available to play.

When you connect to the game, you will have the option to play offline or online. Online will have access to multiplayer online features. The plan is to be able to optionally play offline while logged in and have limited access to online services, similar to how 0.8.5f works now. The offline flow and features is still not finalized and might change between 0.9 and 1.0.

Source: https://discord.com/channels/368953963267096586/414298693257265155/1072314400725291138

This is correct. It's worth noting that online characters must be played online and offline characters cannot cross over so that we can prevent client-side hacks on the online environment.

Thanks for the helpful responses to FoodLord's question, everyone.