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Cool looking items and great that we finally can support our favorite game with MTX while getting great skins and pets for our heroes.

However, the fact that the EHG marketing have decided to go with the classical mobile game stupid tricks of buying uneven amount of made-up currency (120 points) for uneven amount of real money (9.49 USD) is so disappointing.

  • Proposed change: Make the REAL MONEY : POINTS ratio 1:10. Let us spend 10 USD for 100 POINTS.
    (also if possible put cheaper prices. A portal MTX for the full price a good indie game is a bit too much)

Is this really a nasty marketing practice? Yes! And everybody knows it.. Here is Josh Strife Hayes explaining exactly the same thing you are about to do in a video that is collection of all the nasty manipulative practices that one could expect in games like Diablo Immortal: https://youtu.be/g16heGLKlTA?t=937

p.s. Some more thoughts, if you have the patience to read....

My impression from LE's community so far is that we are rather mature players that hate to be treated the way companies like Blizzard or EA treats its player base. We are no fools. So if you present us with manipulative marketing tricks we notice it. It wont be enough for us to quit LE of course, but enough to like it less and thus spend less in the MTX shop.

Why do I make such a big deal of it? Because I hate it when my favorite games treat me like a 15 year old who stole his mum credit card and is on its way to buy 265 gems for 7.60 USD to get a cosmetic in a mobile game. I am 34 old, have studied and worked in marketing, and played games all my life. I play games that treat their player base with respect (meaning mostly Indie games + some ARPGs).

So far EHG have been fantastic! I am one of those White Knights that say positive things no matter what. I advocate for you. I already have brought friends and they have bought your game in Early Access. But until I see how you react to the feedback of this cosmetic shop I am putting this on pause.

Of course, if most of LE's players don't care about the issues I wrote - fine. Please downvote my post so that know that I am a minority and for me to shut up and let you enjoy the shop.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by 7tenths

Because they aren't regional pricing the points?

Stop. There is no benefit.

Point purchases are regionally priced though.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by 7tenths

Yes. That was the exact point. You have to regionally price anyway. It's not preventing the need for it.

It only obfuscatates cost to the user. Especially since you're using 120 points for $9.50 to buy an effect that cost 165 points. It's math that's intentionally difficult to do on the fly.

Instead of just listing the cost at $13 it's 165 points that you have to spend $19 to get and have left over points in a closed system.

Sorry I misunderstood the claim that we aren't doing regional pricing of the points to mean that we weren't regionally adjusting the purchase price of points for local currencies, which we are.