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The decay on boss ward is so slow it doesn't feel like a "temporary" thing, but as the actual boss health.

I thought the purpose of the old DR system, and thus the new boss ward system was to make one-shots more difficult while not impacting lower DPS builds as much.

But this the super slow ward decay on bosses has created the exact opposite outcome.
one-shot builds (or very high dps builds in general) feel buffed by this change since they can have constant leech and kill the boss even faster if they just scale enough dmg.

While low dps builds (I'm not talking about bad gear here, I talking about fully t7 decked out builds that can't scale single target that felt perfectly fine last cycle) are taking so long to kill bosses they feel almost unplayable.

Why not change the boss ward to be like 5x as high (or something that's actually relevant to high dps builds) and then make all that ward decay over 5 seconds?
This way I would at least need to engage with boss mechanics for 15-25 seconds, depending on the boss, with my high dmg builds, and not have to spend minutes fighting them on low dmg builds.

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7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by HardenMuhPants

I thought the ward received was based on DPS done before breakpoint.  So lower dps chars should have lower ward. Or, is this not the case?

This is not the case. One of the main reasons for the switch was to not have your current actions have a secondary effect on the remaining kill time.

7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Iorcrath

not exactly the same idea, but for a boss mechanic, what if they had a reverse health bar, where the more damage you deal to the boss the more/better stuff it drops?

like it will die after it has lost 100% of its hp and 15s(for a map boss, a big boss might be 3 mins). after that you just start doing over kill damage to it and each additional health bar you deal during its last (and probably hardest phase) you get more stuff. then, slow builds and fast builds are both balanced around the fight being almost the same duration but the reward scales based on how good your build is.

This is a really neat idea. I don't think it would work for every boss as a generic mechanic but I think it would be really fun as a specific mechanic.