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So I get a tad addicted to ARPGS and tend to play way to much, but besides that fact...I really am enjoying the game I love the skill tree, the non 4000 different currencies, the animations and skills are all pretty fun to use.

But 3 things that I'm having issues with are the following, would love to know your thoughts.

  1. 1 shot mechanics. For reference I'm playing a Fire Necro, so I'm not the tankiest class in the game, but in my opinion if I have Max Res I should not get 1 shot. And I don't mean like multiple instances of small damage really quickly. I mean 100 to 0, insta ded. I mean I can't even look at some of the loot on the ground without the fear of being 1 shot. Get to a new boss...learn 4 seconds of the fight, and get 1 shot, having to do the whole dungeon again. If your going to have a 1 shot mechanic you need to give the player more time to react without forcing them into a movement skill. Or of you have Max res make it bring you down to 1 health, so I can at least have time to drink a potion.

  2. Maybe this is a minion based thing...but the God damn damage numbers are all over the place...got a new weapon? Cool let's test it out on the dummy...170,189,288,166,288,500, 590,170,170,154,2000.

Like what the actual f*ck...without a total damage done thing it's impossible to see if your making improvments once your min maxing and making small changes.

  1. I really don't like how they lock you to 1 mastery. Why do I need to make ANOTHER OF THE EXACT SAME CLASS to try more skills? Makes no sense to me. Make it really expensive, a special currency, I really wanna try a poison liche build, but I really don't want to level to 75ish to see if I like it.

Again I'm new, I'm vocal, and all in all I'm really enjoying the game. Just curious of anyone else insights.

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Talimwind

information on this is very sparse in game, i only figured it out by happenstance when i saw some build on the online tool using skills from multiple specs.

But yeah, its visualized in the tree as a chain going through the middle. You cannot get passives or skills past this point.

This kinda bothers me a bit. Every character you level has a large pop up that you have to manually close which explicitly says this information. On top of that, it is also clearly detailed in the game guide. And I'm pretty sure that each node also says what they require.

Edit: so I know how much hand holdy force tutorials suck but what's the alternative here? Writing it down in multiple places and forcing the player to accept it clearly doesn't work. Should I be recording my voice to come through in the tutorials?

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Talimwind

Frankly its a UI thing. Its not intuative that the other passive trees from the other classes are still available. It looks more like they are visable despite your choice.

One way is with visual effects, obnoxious but usually works. Have each mastery tree pulsate until you click them, then have each passive node on the first row pulsate until you hover over them.

This would clearly indicate that they are options available to you. Without needless handholding.

I also think that making a clearer distinction between available and unavailable skills and passives would help. Maybe make them fade out more or remove coloration. Except for the chain there is no way to tell the difference, and on first glance you can mistake it for a cool visual effect or even just part of the background.

It might also work if you have some sort of visual effect on the mastery tree UI that unlocks your passive trees, have it unlock one with a large effect and the others with a lesser one, again visually indicating that all have become open to differing amounts.

I think I'm not understanding some of those suggestions because I think that it already does most of that doesn't it?

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Talimwind

I play alts all the time and i don't remember seeing any visuals in this manner, if they are there then just increase the magnitude of them.

Lets take the last point. When you first open your mastery ui after picking a mastery, your original class could glow brightly then extend a light effect into the main specialization you choose, then have a lesser light effect go to the other specs.

Maybe have them all be greyed or monochrome before you pick a specialization and give them all color when you have unlocked it.

Yea the buttons on the left don't change at all and I think that's a good place to target to draw attention to it.