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And is there already a possible release date? Still during this year or is it gonne be further away?

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

No, a console version will not be available at the games PC launch which is currently targeting the end of this year. There are, however, long-term plans to eventually bring it to console.

Here are some recent developer responses on the subject. Judd Cobler is the CEO of EHG & LE Game Director and Mike Weicker is a senior developer.

July 21, 2023

Q: Are there any plans for console version?

Judd: Very likely. We need to ensure that the PC production and live ops pipeline is well established and smooth first, but we’ve always believed we’ll come to console eventually. Not at 1.0 though.

Source: Reddit Link

September 1, 2023

Q: Will this game be coming to console anytime soon?

Mike: Uh, not anytime soon. We haven’t actually started pursuing a relationship with Sony or Microsoft regarding a console release, so there’s a lot to do there. We are working very hard on a high quality and fun controller implementation and that’s going pretty well but it’s not fully finished yet. There’s some requirements for consoles that we don’t have yet, like pausing the game. I know it seems like a silly little requirement but that’s a requirement and right now we can’t pause. [Mike laughs] Not that we haven’t tried.

Source: YouTube Link

September 2, 2023

Q: Console release any time soon?

Mike: We have long term plans to create a console version. We haven’t started the process at all. We do have controller support already and Unity does have console support.

There is no ETA on the eventual console version. Don’t expect it soon.

Source: Reddit Link

Saved me a reply - thanks Andrew!