about 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers!

As many of you know, Eleventh Hour Games started its history with a post on Reddit, and as such, our subreddit is a very special place for us. When we started up a subreddit for Last Epoch, it was something we needed to manage ourselves, and as many have noticed, pretty much all of the listed moderators are currently EHG Staff.

While we have made sure to always obey Reddit's terms of who can manage and moderate a subreddit, we also recognize that it's part of Reddit Etiquette for Subreddits to be managed by individuals outside of any company or product they may be for. As such, we've wanted to hand off the subreddit to the community for respect of these rules of etiquette. With the growing community, as we head into 1.0, we feel there are enough consistently active users on our subreddit to be able to pick moderators to start this hand off process.

To start pulling the community into the management of the subreddit, we have set up u/ShoelessRobs to put together some dedicated community members from the subreddit. Reddit should always be a place of the community for the community, and while we still consider ourselves part of the ARPG community, and always will, we understand that 'technically' we're the company now, so we should leave the subreddit in the community's hands.

While we work towards this hand-off, EHG will continue to have some staff present as moderators, the same people you have been interacting with already, and they will continue supporting the new community moderators as we make this transition. EHG will continue to be present, doing the same posts and tagging we have always done, and we will continue to answer questions and be a part of this space. So rest assured, we won’t be leaving, and we will plan to be just as active as we were before. Who knows, you may even see more comments from Mike now that he won’t be wading stuck in the moderating queue.

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about 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers!

As many of you know, Eleventh Hour Games started its history with a post on Reddit, and as such, our subreddit is a very special place for us. When we started up a subreddit for Last Epoch, it was something we needed to manage ourselves, and as many have noticed, pretty much all of the listed moderators are currently EHG Staff.

While we have made sure to always obey Reddit's terms of who can manage and moderate a subreddit, we also recognize that it's part of Reddit Etiquette for Subreddits to be managed by individuals outside of any company or product they may be for. As such, we've wanted to hand off the subreddit to the community for respect of these rules of etiquette. With the growing community, as we head into 1.0, we feel there are enough consistently active users on our subreddit to be able to pick moderators to start this hand off process.

To start pulling the community into the management of the subreddit, we have set up u/ShoelessRobs to put together some dedicated community members from the subreddit. Reddit should always be a place of the community for the community, and while we still consider ourselves part of the ARPG community, and always will, we understand that 'technically' we're the company now, so we should leave the subreddit in the community's hands.

While we work towards this hand-off, EHG will continue to have some staff present as moderators, the same people you have been interacting with already, and they will continue supporting the new community moderators as we make this transition. EHG will continue to be present, doing the same posts and tagging we have always done, and we will continue to answer questions and be a part of this space. So rest assured, we won’t be leaving, and we will plan to be just as active as we were before. Who knows, you may even see more comments from Mike now that he won’t be wading stuck in the moderating queue.

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by ZircoSan

that's nice, but to be honest i don't think we've seen any "censorship" as feedback very critical of several aspects of the game was on the first page very often.

I hope we can still see devs answering questions on reddit and that the new brave moderators will help grow the sub(which feels a bit small compared to the hype of LE).

We’ll be here.