Hey guys, I was gifted this as part of a secret Santa and I've really loved levelling up to 25 on my Rogue so far.
I'm fully aware that I've barely scratched the surface when it comes to content, but there's already so much overwhelming me, like what I should be doing with loot, if I chose the wrong mastery, etc. Despite the constant introduction of new content and walls of text at this level, I got wondering what the end-game gameplay loop is about? Is it the same as now (farming better loot/gear) and clearing areas again and again? Are there different game modes like PVP or challenge-mode dungeons, etc?
I've been playing on and off with a friend who is also roughly the same level as me, and we've been learning together, but something I really love about the MMOs which I play is seeing what the late-game has to offer and pushing towards it(Trials within ESO, Raids in WOW, Raids in OSRS, etc). With LE it feels like I'm pushing myself into the void of the unknown with every level and progression which, whilst exciting, is leaving me with lots of questions.
I love difficult, punishing gameplay, so I'm looking forward to hearing what else this game has to offer with regards to that at the higher levels. For more context, another friend just bought the game and got his first level 80 within 2 weeks.
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