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Heyho fellow redditors,

sorry if this question was asked before. I tried to check, but couldn't find it. But I like to know what happens if one spell automatically casts another spell. I use Spriggan Form as example, because I don't play the game for long and I'm not sure if other such interactions exist.

So in Spriggan Form I can specialize in "Spirit Vortex" which gives "Spirit Thorns" the chance to automatically cast "Maelstrom".

And here's the question: Is an auto cast version of a spell always the non specialized spell or are specializations applied? For example I've also specialized in "Mealstrom" and have the "Whirlstorm" node activated, will the auto cast version also have a longer duration?

Games of this kind are whonky sometimes and not all interactions are the same. In PoE skills granted by items are affected by socked support gems for example. But in other games a spell cast through another spell is always the "vanilla" spell without modifications.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by t1r1g0n

Nice to know thanks.

This is almost right, you don't need to have maelstrom specialized for it to use the player's stats. Maelstrom, along with any specializable skill will never inherit from a triggering ability. It doesn't matter if you have actually specialized in it or not.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Ephemeralgravity

Hi ekimarcher, would you mind to clarify the second sentence. You are saying spells should always be using player stats, specialized or not, hard cast or procced, but I don't understand "will never inherit from a triggering ability". Thanks!

When an ability triggers another ability, one of two things happens.

  1. The initial ability casts the second one and the second one gets all the stats that the first one had.

  2. The player automatically casts the second one and the second one gets fresh stats from the player.

The way the game picks which of these to do is not 100% consistent but almost always, if the ability is one that could be equipped onto your bar, number 2 is picked. Otherwise, number 1 is picked.