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in skill window (S) there are small icons next to each skill
i understand that they have to do with the elements (fist = physical, snowflake = cold,...)

what exactly do they mean ? the grey ones and the fully collored ?

is it the collored one is for main skill and grey for subskills ?
or does it has to do with elemental statuses (chill, poison, etc) ?
or base vs added damage types ?

Suggestion, add explanation to the (?) info button in the corner

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

It highlights the elements that are currently active and greys out the ones that are possible to get but you don't have selected at the moment.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ShadoweCZ

are you sure about that ?for example on Maelstrom (primalist) it shows lightning greyed out even tho i have all the lightning nodes on it; or earthquake (shaman) shows lightning in full colors even with Cataclysm that should convert all damage to fire

thats why i askeed about statuses and added damage

It might have a bug that is causing it to not work right but as the person who set it up, yes I'm sure that's the intent.