Hello everyone,
I'm pretty new to the game, been playing for the last week and i've realised that while my game is running buttery smooth most of the times, when a mob starts spewing things at me or a blob starts falling from sky leaving a liquid trail behind it my FPS would tank by %70. While most of the particle effects doesnt have this much of an impact on the FPS(i'm playing orbiting static orb an it has almost no impact on my fps while spamming), i've realised liquid based particles with so many little bits happenning at the same time is absolutely destroying my game.
Did anyone else experience this kinda FPS drops? Is it an optimisation issue or there is something wrong with my game? And is there a fix for this?
My specs are : RX 580 8GB 256bit Ryzen 3600 32 GB ram Settings are : Everything is set to medium except Grass density = Low
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