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i know it wont be in for 0.9 but social clans maybe with clan stash(?) would be a big step towards me and my guildies (from other games) adopting the game.

all it needs is guild chat and guild stash (adhering to same rules from the trade guilds)

so are there any plans for when/if its coming?

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

A guild stash would severely undermine the item factions framework. With the current plans for item factions, we do not anticipate adding a guild stash. This isn't a hard no but something extremely large would have to change before we considered adding it.

As for a guild and guild chat system, that's in the probably category. We would like to have something to include along with it that's more than just a guild chat but that might end up being enough. If we get enough feedback that it's wanted, we are more likely to move it up the priority list.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ExDoublez

Thanks for the swift response, i was thinking something that would still adhere to the rules of the item factions. maybe we could earn guild tokens (that you use to deposit or withdraw?) by playing while in a guild or achieving certain things.

tying it in with the gameplay through challenges or fees could work too.

after the team's ingenious item factions idea I am sure you guys can figure out a sick system, I am just here to say its a pretty big thing for most people as its the biggest social aspect of any arpg in my personal opinion (I would argue more than multiplayer but eh)

We looked at several guild related systems when we were designing the item factions and we found major exploit cases in all the solutions we considered. I don't expect it to be solved.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Medical-Half7449

Necroed for support for the guild and guild chat. Have several friends from other games and would be nice to be able to chat with each other outside of a party

I typed out a reply, then I checked the context and realized that I had just typed out almost an identical reply to the original comment. It's still low on the list.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Koryk21

Please put guilds in the game I can’t be the only one who has no one to play with id play the game more if I could join a guild and make friends to to content with please put it in sooner then later I’m lonely haha

This sentiment is not lost on us and you are not alone in it. We are working to improve the ability to make friends and find people to play with in game.