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Hey everyone! I've been following updates but haven't been playing as I prefer to wait til games are released, but thought I'd give the game a go during MP beta.

Game feels pretty great so far, even the story (never thought I'd notice the story in an ARPG), but one thing stuck out to me: A sh*t ton of items were constantly dropping. In one hour of playtime I got 3 uniques and had rare and magic items basically raining from the sky, right from the start of the game.

So, I'm wondering: Have drops been significantly increased for these playtests, or is this how it will be on release? I'm just a bit concerned about LE getting to the same stage as PoE, where you have to spend dozens of hours sorting through items til you understand what to ignore or filter out, especially since it was going on right from the start of the game.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Lots of replies in here but I just wanted to slide a dev perspective in too. Hi, I'm one of the senior developers.

First off, I noticed that you mentioned D2 as a game that doesn't need loot filters, I would strongly recommend that it needs them more than most as it has a maximum number of items that it can simultaneously display. Many common farming areas generate way too many items and it can hide mega rare drops. For example, pit level 2, one of the best places to farm early ladder. Or even just Chaos Sanctuary. This is slightly mitigated with some D2R changes though. There are some amazing D2 mods that add loot filters that are a godsend.

Anyways, tangent aside with Last Epoch, we strive to create an environment where people can experiment and create whatever builds they want. When a community build arises that we never considered possible, it's really awesome for us. In order to do this, we need to create a large number of options that can generate in most combinations. And you're right, this does lead to a huge number of possible items. So, in order to make sure we are dropping items that are relatively useful to whoever is actually playing, we need to drop a lot because we don't know what they are looking for.

We do a little loot curation. For example, you find almost no non-unique items that are for a different class than the one you are currently playing.

And I know exactly what it's like to bounce off a game as soon as you need to download an additional tool to enjoy it. This is why we have made sure to drop items pre-identified and include the loot filter in game. You can currently create and manage your lot filters all from inside the game.

I'm the future we hope to fully integrate a sharing, rating, searching and sorting filter finder system so you can pick up a community created and recommended filter for your type of character. This should dramatically lessen the effort required to get a filter set up.

I'm the meantime, you can find some really good starter filters that can be imported directly into the game easily. There is a long running post on our forums by Heavy that I recommend starting with. He recently posted a link here too.

I know it's not perfect but we are putting a little bit higher initiative expectation on early access users.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SponTen

Hey, thanks for the reply! This past weekend is the first time I've actually played since maybe pre-alpha, but I've been following along on and off since backing LE on Kickstarter back in like... May 2018? I gotta say, I really appreciate how measured you guys are with your replies and posts; you seem to be very considerate with people's thoughts and feelings, but are still realistic in presenting your views without censoring things. It's really hard to maintain that balance.

That's interesting about D2. Maybe I just don't play the game in the same way as the top-tier players who are grinding super hard and fast, but there have only been a few instances where I felt like I really needed a loot filter. And tbf, most of my playtime was many years ago, before even PoE was out, so maybe I was just used to it back then. I must say, going from items being unclickable unless you hold Alt (in PoE) back to always-clickable in D2 has been a struggle. Maybe I even missed mega rare items in D2 without knowing it due to the display cap you noted.

In terms of the drops, loot curation, and loot filter; thank you for providing those explanations on the "why" behind the design. It makes it much easier to understand what's going on. It sounds like you guys have been really attentive to player feedback.

Perhaps I'm just getting old, 'cause I miss the days where you could just jump into a new RPG "blind", not reading or sorting anything, and they started a bit slower before ramping up as you progressed further and further. A few people have pointed out that the downside of that is it makes starting a new character feel comparatively boring, and also, it seems like a big thing in modern games is that they "respect your time", so that players who only have a couple free hours a week can still try out those cool builds they saw others playing online. I get that; totally fair. And I'll probably get it even more once I have kids lol.

Still, I'm going to try playing LE blind at first, just to see how I go.

Anyways, despite the concerns I've voiced, I'm really enjoying the game so far, and having devs like yourself provide this kind of feedback is awesome. It's definitely getting easier to understand now, and I'm having a blast trying out the Rogue. I'll keep an eye out for your proposed filter finder system. I can't imagine how difficult it is to build systems for such a wide variety of players, so serious kudos 😊

Edit after finally getting some time to play today: Oh also, the explanations and qol in-game - like how you explain what bleed damage is when holding Alt, for example - are f**king beautiful. Major fist bump to whoever made sure these were in the game!

Thank you very much :)

And if you haven't found it yet, you can press G in game to bring up the game guide for more details on various topics.

And shift+F to bring up the loot filter builder ;)