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about 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by xanas263

As someone who doesn't want trade in the game it seems like the only question worth answering is the first one. Which doesn't seem right unless you're already leaning towards adding trade back?

I also think there should probably be a question regarding whether people will actually play the game if trade is/is not implemented because the assumption that the poll seems to make is that people that don't want trade will continue to play even if you add it.

As far as feedback is concerned the only way I can see you guys pleasing everyone is if you do two leagues. 1 league which is balanced as the game currently is and 1 league with open trade that has its own separate trade focused balance.

As someone who doesn't want trade in the game it seems like the only question worth answering is the first one. Which doesn't seem right unless you're already leaning towards adding trade back?

We've always ideally wanted a solution that would appeal to both people who want trade and people who either don't want trade or just want item drops and crafting to remain as plentiful and powerful as they currently are.

We had previously concluded that there wasn't really a trade system that would satisfy traders while being limited enough in power that it wouldn't significantly impact item drops (either directly through drop rate changes to account for it, or indirectly through buffs to monsters that raise the standard of items required to progress, or indirectly by raising the community's standard for what counts as a good item).

That conclusion was based on certain assumptions we'd made about what sort of trade system would satisfy players who want trade. The purpose of this poll is to confirm or correct those assumptions, which is why it's primarily geared towards asking about aspects of a trade system. Corrections to some of these assumptions could potentially lead to us finding a way to add trade that would satisfy people who want it, without impeding the enjoyment of the game for people who don't. It's also entirely possible that they might not, or that our assumptions were fairly accurate in the first place.