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Since the Rising Flames patch, I have a good bit of delay when I go from one zone to another. It doesn't matter if I use a portal, an entrance or a waypoint. Every single time, the game needs about 5-10 seconds to figure out what's going on before it does anything.

I can walk around in that time but just when I think I missclicked, the game goes to the other zone.

I have verified my game files, I have between 5 and 11 ms when it comes to ping. I have a very stable and high bandwidth internet connection, and I had no delays when moving between zones before this patch.

Is it something I did or did the patch change something?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Yea they are a bit longer right now, apologies. We are working to reduce them with both small and large efforts. Later this year we expect them to be significantly reduced and in the short term we can shave a bit of time off them.