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a) Is it there?

2) Is it good? Are there gaps? If there are gaps, what are they?

D) How does it compare to D3 on console in terms of gamepad play?

EDIT - Is WASD movement an option on KB?

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about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We're continuing to improve it. I play mostly with gamepad but I'll swap to KB/M for text or if I want to navigate the inventory faster. I actually have terrible RSI from playing ARPGs non-stop for 20 years so it's important to me that we get gamepad support in great shape before 1.0, and we're pretty close with 0.9 coming up.

Do your wrist stretches, KB/M Travelers!

about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by MightiestBeard

Wait, is the answer "Yes, WASD movement is in the game."? If so, I'll buy it right now. I played Battlerite and subsequently V Rising, as well as like 5m of Diablo Immortal, and WASD is definitely how I'd prefer to control an ARPG.

That’s interesting. I can’t even imagine playing with WASD in this genre. It’s not on our radar but perhaps we can experiment with it! Certainly not opposed for any strong reason personally