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I dont really care to login to a proprietary site when I know discusison is better curated on reddit.

I wont speak to whether I agree with devs being mods, I just want to know if my bug reports or feedback will be wasted here on reddit.

Here's what Ive gathered so far from a couple hundred joyful enjoyable hours in hardcore:

Being attacked while load screen resulted in three deaths. Very deflating.

Some skill trees felt incredibly diverse and punchy (ie shadow clones), others were flat and unremarkable (eterras blessing etc).

Sometimes monoliths dont give bonus xp, yet they show the bonus bar in game.

Dead stats on many spellcaster weapon suffixes.

Is it my bad theorycrafting or is poison build really tough to make feel good?

Lots of work has gone into the story, and its fun, but like in POE relevelling in the same content is tedious for someone who dies a lot/ wants to try new builds all the time.

I love the idol system, but hoarding them is too easy, and there are some rather useless affixes.

Some bosses are too loud (Crab pirate guy)

Need an opposite stat like endurance, but protects against one-shots. (get gud XD)

Character being stuck after transformation, or in lunge. (I believe these are known issues>)

thats all for now, have a beautiful day :)

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Hi there, yes feedback on Reddit is very welcome and we do read it. Hi.

As for mods being devs. I totally get the hesitation there. All I can say is that I find myself deleting a lot of posts where people tell other people to "get out" because they said something negative about the game. We very intentionally don't restrict content to being positive or anything like that and if it ever starts to seem that way, please bring it up to us. We need the positive and negative feedback so we can learn what is and isn't working well.

Only thing I didn't get what the opposite endurance stat. Endurance already protects against one shots but I'm not sure what the opposite would be. Like protects the first portion of your health?

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by hugelkult

Glad to know the devs are so interested in hearing from teh community.

Endurance reads "Endurance reduces damage to your health below your endurance threshold"

The way I understand that is that if a single hit brings me from somewhere above my endurance threshold all the way to zero, then endurance doesnt come into play because my current health level never entered the "endurance zone".

So if my hp is 1000, and my endurance threshold is 500 with 50% endurance , then a 1000 hit would take me to 250 life correct?

Yup, that's exactly how it works.

We actually initially stealth added it to the game about a year before we officially introduced it. It was originally just a hidden stat that all players had to help make it feel like you were getting close to death without actually falling. Then we realized it was a cool defensive layer to scale with gear so we added it to the game properly.