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Great game! Cant wait for 1.0. How's multishot endgame? Want to make a d2 type bowazaon

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

I’ve got a number of kiddos as well so I understand a couple hours here and there being the extent of free time. I think you’ll enjoy how the Monolith is set up where you can drop in and out pretty quickly without needing to worry about not finishing a stretch of lengthy content.

Funny enough my favorite build in D2 was probably the multi shot Amazon with the Faith Bow running around in the Travincical. Was just good ‘ol fun. I love playing bow builds and am excited to start a multi shot falconer at release.

Cheers and thanks for supporting the game/team! -Judd

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by chikadino1

Multi shot buriza or windforce during cows was the best. Then switch to titans revenge.

The number of hours I did exactly those things is silly. Haha! Glad to have you in the community, Chikadino