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I am a helpful player that loves to answer the game question. There are some basic question that appear way too often that it should be so I will be adding the most I can think off and feel free to add more in the comment : - no the multiplayer is not out yet. But there is now a date for it, March 9th!

-there is no date for official release but the other mastery will be available at launch.

  • there is 9 chapter in total, around level 25 is the mastery quest, which is included in the story line.

-the trick to skip the story is finishing the temporal sanctum when unlocked in chapter 5 and it will skip to chapter 9 quest. This is mostly impossible on a first run. As you need the key and more power than your character will have.

-mastery cannot be changed after being selected. But you will be able to add up to the 25 passive point mark on each other mastery. Unlocking the skill available.

-all class and mastery are end game viable. The scaling method and easy and crafting make almost all skill to be scalable to ultimate level.

-no the shard cannot be picked up automatically. But it will pickup all the other one near the target.

-empowered monolith are unlocked after completing the 3 level 90 quest line which are at the top right of the monolith map. Then you click on the stone at the center of these map and now all map can be played at level 100.

-all monolith will still be available to do at their original level. But the normal monolith corruption maximum is 50.

-corruption is just a way to scale endlessly the content difficulty for end game. Which also increase all item rarity.

-legendary potential is a number which can appear to all droppable legendary. You will be able to fuse it with an exalted (purple) item which has 4 stat on it. Merging them together in the temporal sanctum will make the legendary become unique with the random number of affix taken from the exalted item equal to the legendary potential.

For now I think it is quite a good list. If you want to add or actually have a question please feel free to comment. Have a great day and let's talk on LE.

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Great little writeup, could I request that unique and legendary get their terms flipped in the post? You find Uniques with Legendary Potential and add an exalted to it to then make it Legendary.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Significant_Mud_1167

Totally right. Corrected.

I'm sorry but it still has some mistakes. Can you change it to this?

-Legendary Potential is a number which can appear on any droppable unique item. You will be able to combine it with an exalted (purple) item which shares an item type with it and has 4 affixes on it. Merging them together in the Temporal Sanctum will make the unique become legendary by taking a number of random affixes from the exalted item equal to the legendary potential.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Significant_Mud_1167

I corrected this part and as many grammar as I could see. I had to work hard now that a member of EHG took notice of me haha.

thank you very much :D