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The most fun thing about ARPGs should be combat. But the game actively tries to prevent me or discourage me from killing stuff for loot.

  • Maps have a lot of deadends. Constantly having to backtrack sucks.

  • Maps are longwinded corridors with few exceptions. This combined with the previous statement is driving me crazy.

  • Maps have low mob density with packs placed far from each other. Slower builds feel absolutely awful because of this.

  • Nothing in the game makes me want to kill monsters in maps because they are NOT dropping good loot. Loot is endloaded after completing a monolith. I find myself rushing through packs all the time.

  • Monolith map and monster variety feels like ass. Not because there is not enough of everything in the game, but because everything is spread thin over multiple monoliths.

The game has a lot of other issues like overall combat feel, sound design and some classes playing like dirt. But those are actively being worked on. Map design is what worries me big time.

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about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Expanding Monolith, adding random events, giving you reasons to want to kill enemies, and reducing dead ends that don't come with a reward for your exploration are some top priorities that we have internally after the release of 0.9. We're aware and agree that it can feel a bit anemic at the moment and just haven't had the time to put into it with most of our development power on multiplayer, performance, combat feel improvements, and a few other things for the last year.

Funny enough I was reading through, adding comments and questions, to some end-game expansion proposal documents for 1.2 and onwards just a moment ago. There's a lot to come and we'll be back to releasing content regularly once we get 0.9 out the door.