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Offline it's fine, online every T4 Julra is just complete lottery. Every D press has great chance to double tap you back to your current timeline, slightly mitigated by sending it early to see if it bugs and then trying to press it again hoping it will work. Sometimes my MA is just hitting the boss that is in the opposite timeline while I'm waiting to switch. Just had a new one couple minutes ago too, start fight - first aoe goes out, switch timelines (it works this time) wait aoe out, switch back and go back to damaging boss, then Volatile Reversal which teleports me to the previous timeline to instant death by the aoe which has already finished couple seconds ago?

Not to mention that starting the fight from the empty timeline by teleporting to her (as I'd like to do since it skips MA running up to the boss) just bricks the fight completely as all my following Reversals send me to the void on the side of her arena.

I just dread getting good LP uniques now because it means going back to interacting with this place. And this is with character killing her in 20-30ish seconds when things go well, I imagine with build that takes longer your chances of the fight bugging out grow massively.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

We've been testing a change that reduces rubber banding in general and haven't been able to repro this issue internally since that fix, so we're hopeful that that has fixed it. That change will be included in a hotfix either this week or next week.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Dubbien

This still happens, just for info. Hopefully you can fix this.

We found a cause that was unrelated to rubberbanding, the ability was incorrectly getting buffered on the server which resulted in it going off twice. A fix for this will be included in the next hotfix.