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I'm making a bleed crit marksman and noticed a lot of yellow numbers when hitting. Does that mean all my hits are critical? I only have 29% crit with bow so far.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Polantaris

Would love if a dev confirmed but I feel like DoTs being yellow is because they're a combination of multiple DoTs, but that's a guess based on observations. My Bladedancer that deals Poison, Bleed, and Ignite, gets yellow DoT damage almost all the time.

I challenge the existence of yellow dot damage numbers.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ZZZZZiiiiiLLLLL

I've never seen yellow dots. But it seems like majority of my hits are big and yellow. Does that mean I'm criting every hit??


almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Polantaris

You were right to challenge my assertion. I definitely no longer think this. I tested it off the dummy and went out of my way to make sure I was watching only DoT numbers.

My problem is that my build hits so many times it can muffle the DoT numbers! The yellow numbers from my hits would cover the white numbers and I was missing them. However when I stop attacking and leave the DoTs to just do their thing they're never yellow.


It's all good, I just might be the person who made that system and know it pretty well. :)