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Hi, I've recently started a sentinel and when I use Forge Strike few times, or rather as swords spawn and despawn over time game gets laggier until eventual crash. So initially I noticed it with Forge Strike as weapons spawn and the more I use it, laggier it gets so I refrained from using it for a while to confirm. After a while I put a passive on a Rive that has a chance to summon forged weapons and as they spawn again, game lags more and more so I can basically confirm that in my case for some reason, as forged weapons spawn over time (they do despawn after they run out of course), game does indeed become laggier and laggier until eventual crash.

Note that it's not even a cap that's necessary to get laggier, most of the time while I was testing, I had like 4-6 weapons spawned at the time and as they despawned, I re-summoned them.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it something else that causes this lag that is perhaps well known and I'm just at the bad track with reasoning? Also, what is the official channel to report bugs or might-be-bugs like this?

Also, just for clarification, by "lag" i mean literal lag but interestingly sound happens first (either for skill or attack or movement) then damage if it's an attack or a skill and the animation and/or effects at the end.

For example, as I use Rive, damage is being dealt, group of enemies is dead and as I start moving away, the animation/effects stay for a while (these red strikes swinging about).

One more example is with Shield Rush, character stays in place, sound happens, initial animation happens, character finally dashes and then finally after him the effect.

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Ill make sure we check this out