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I don't know what a realistic level of gear is or how easy the uniques will be to get. I also don't really know how ignites will work in LE, Does Fireball even do an AoE when it hits? Do I have close to enough damage?

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Fireball does hit in an area. If you are coming from PoE, it's important to note that the flat fireball hit damage doesn't affect the ignite power.

I think you'll find that you probably want to use a different weapon as a sorc, probably a staff or wand/catalyst.

It sounds like you might be a newer player which is a great place to be starting 0.9 at I think.

The best advice I can give for this is to use what you find and just improve your gear and build as you go.

Some general advice I can give is that you'll want more health, 100% Crit avoidance and 75 all res as a baseline for end game defenses. If you primary goal is ignite fireball, look for increased fire damage, increased spell damage or increased DoT damage affixes.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RustyBagels

Does Increased Fire Damage increase the damage from Ignite since it has a fire DOT?
