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Hello!, I know everyone is very busy caring for trade but gameplay and game balance is way more important than casual multiplayer and "economy" shenanigans that this game doesn't need SO FAR. So, if you think there's something that needs revisiting, post here your experience so the devs can check it out! Maybe if we are loud enough they will pay attention to this and get working on what really matters.

Also please keep in mind that some things that you might list here from a 0.85 perspective might be fixed/changed already and if you're listing something from the open beta test of 0.9 it can still.be changed. But still it's good to be loud about things.

I'll start first:

001-Multiplayer is broken and needs to be rebalanced. This is easy worse than diablo taxi fiesta because it also has X4 loot. And boss spamming.

002-Freeze needs to be rebalanced. As it currently stands it's pretty useless and very low of a reward for investment.

As for skills,

003-Blade explosion from Umbral blades fails to get the cold tag after converting Umbral blades to cold, even though it visually changes.

004-Acid fumes from Decoy tree does not take into consideration wether the flask is fire or poison and it should. It's entire wording should probably be changed to fit the concept of it working towards Acid flask scaling with whatever it does.

005-Ravaging aura from Void Cleave could, on its own be a new VK spell. However, if it were to stay in Void Cleave's tree, either let void Cleave be used by any two handed weapon, or give the aura vitality scaling. As it stands there no sensible reason to path there if you're using a 2 headed sword or axe unless probably it's very niche. And then again, you have dedicated all that space for points for something that could be so much more useful.

006-Block is only achievable by having bastion or spending too many points as a sentinel. T6 block chance on a shield is only 18%... What??

007-Erasing strike and its 5 nodes for Void beams are entirely useless. This one at least scales with vitality but the fact that most of the nodes only work on kill males it very undesirable to spec down there.

Also, time loop is expensive and only works for a single target situation and it's essentially bad design too.

008-Devouring orb is dog sh*t at best now.

009-Void rifts and it's scaling needs to be revisited. It's too little scaling and too spread across so many skillsz it's barely usable.

010-VK in general is a bit lacking, there's very little that helps you achieve the hybrid melee/caster fantasy.

I will add other's posts here every time I can to make a compilation.


011-"Everything that is worded "on kill" should imo be changed to "x%chance on kill or on boss/champion hit", unless it's some kind of corpse explosion. An example is the claw totem in swipe tree, but there are imo way too many skills or subskills like that being rendered next to useless most of the time because they don't work vs bosses."

012-"I think defenses could definitely use some redistribution, with 1 more class getting reasonable block access. That would bring it in line with dodge being rogue/primalist "exclusive."

013-"Set items need some form of upgradeability to compete with exalteds and legendaries outside of very few niche cases. Most sets are pretty weak and useless right now.""

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RektbyProtoss

Everything that is worded "on kill" should imo be changed to "x%chance on kill or on boss/champion hit", unless it's some kind of corpse explosion. An example is the claw totem in swipe tree, but there are imo way too many skills or subskills like that being rendered next to useless most of the time because they don't work vs bosses.

Is it good to have some effects in the game be more powerful and narrow while others are more broadly useful but less powerful?

Edit: I appreciate the replies specific to on kill effects. That's not really what I was asking for though. I was more asking about having situationally useful effects in general.