This is something we’ve been considering, and I wanted to wait until a certain thing I desired to include in my reply was 100% confirmed and out the door before referring to it here.
While we really do appreciate the interest, we aren’t presently ready to move forward with either forum sections for other languages, or community moderators.
If we were to offer an online space tailored for a specific language, that would likely come with certain expectations. One would be the presence of several moderators fluent in that language who are consistently available. Another is - particularly in cases of moderation performed by community members - the opportunity to appeal any moderation performed.
@Heavy mentioned German, and it’s an example of a language which, to my knowledge, no member of EHG is fluent in. This makes it difficult for us to receive a message written in German pertaining to something edited, locked, or deleted on the forums - or potentially a Discord message erased with no record of what it contained - read it, review the situation, and offer a meaningful reply. While we would be thrilled to see community forums or Discord servers spring up where others are happy to manage them, we don’t currently see a great path forward for this occurring on the official forum or official community Discord server.
I’ve endeavored to be rather subtle here, but the particularly astute among you may have noticed a subtle shift from me previously saying that we would not be addressing the issue of localization until after release to me saying we don’t currently have anything to announce regarding localization. Please don’t view this as confirmation that something will happen prior to release, however due to a variety of factors we’re no longer as rigid in our position of it being something we won’t tackle until after our official launch as we once had been.
I do think there would be greater value to catering to other languages if the game itself was available in those other languages; regardless of whether it’s pre-release or post-release, I do fully anticipate us revising the above decisions at some point in the future. While I know it’s not satisfying to read, unfortunately I honestly don’t have an ETA for this. Even if a specific language isn’t included in the initial roll-out of in-game localization, steps we take to facilitate localization could put us in a better position to cater to it on community platforms.
We do genuinely appreciate the kind offer, and we are always on the lookout for additional ways of collaborating with the community. You may have seen an indication of this recently!