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Since the whole Kalandra mess and the Archnemesis crazyness, I stopped playing and looked for a new game. I was pleasantly surprised by this game, even in it´s beta. I am close to it empowered monos.

  1. The char building system feels more forgiving. I can try out more stuff without getting punished. It´s not as deep as PoE, but there is depth to be found with the passives and the skills speciliations. Also, not losing xp is makes the whole experience less frustrating.

  2. Crafting is so much more rewarding. I have so much control about it - the RNG factors are minimal compared to PoE. Especially not needing tabs and having to buy them for materials is refreshing.

  3. Itemization is great! I find useful stuff from time to time and can improve those things with crafting. I didn´t buy anything, it´s like SSF, the crafting system has such a great impact on it. Farming is enough to get good stuff. Also, the legendary System rocks and I love it.

  4. Monoliths are far better than maps. I don´t need maps and work with stupid massive RNG - Factors. I know what modifiers I will get by picking the echos.

  5. Combat system is quite similiar, like with all the games of the genre (or because I just like to be a spinning boy). Nevertheless, I don´t die because of stupid sh*t, but because of lack of skill. Of screen killers are nowhere to be found.

Can´t say much about the story, but it´s more interesting than the one of PoE. Still waiting for the final chapters before I give an opinion about it.
All in all, pretty awesome game. I am really hooked to it right now.

TL;DR: LE is so much better than PoE.

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Slydesdale

Agree that Slormancer is the sleeper hit these days. Starts off slow but damn it’s deep and hits all the notes we want in an ARPG. IF, you can get past the wasd controls and lack of story content. But hell, most people hate the story and want to map to begin with so…

Big ups for Slormancer!