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I don't follow much from the devs, but play a bunch. Is there any changes coming to boss shields announced?

I play all off meta, home brew characters for the most part, and the shield mech makes me log off the game. I have some characters that dont even see the shields, they just get auto deleted. But on some of the chars I enjoy playing more, but not the best damage feel like I am getting aids in real time.

I understand the intent behind the shields and DR that they tried in the past, but couldn't they just have set mechanic intermissions like Lagooner has at 50%? Because this system really feels like you need to play meta to feel rewarded for making upgrades. Otherwise its like a 5% DPS upgrade is just sent into shields and feels like sh*t.

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about 7 hours ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We’re making changes so the vast majority of enemies don’t have this ward shield mechanic and it’s reserved mainly for large chapter bosses where it feels more appropriate