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So I'm playing Beastmaster and trying to find Artor's Legacy helm, but haven't had any luck yet. I've leveling my BM to 76, and a Hammerdin to 74, finding almost all of the uniques except this one.

Do any of you know if it drops from a specific mob of tile set? Or even how rare it might be compared to other uniques/sets?


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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

Monster specific drop tables are coming.

So.. Is it here yet?

Level 4 Threadsurection spell. Very impressive.

Technically yes. 17 bosses have specific item drops.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

Hehe, I like Necromancer ;)

So where can I see those loot tables?

Lastepochtools.com it's only for the 3 boss specific drops on each of those bosses

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

3? Will the 14 remaining ones show up at some point then?

The 3 items which specifically drop for those 17 bosses.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

I think you misunderstood what loot tables are.

Boss 1: All The Items The Boss Drops

Boss 2: These Items That Drops Here Are Different From Boss 1

Boss 17: Some Items May Be In Common But Not All

Each boss in the end-game has a set of specific items that only it can drop. One of them will always drop. It picks one at a set weighted random roll. That information is available. To me, this is a loot table. We don't present it anywhere as a literal data table. Sorry if this isn't actually a loot table.

All enemies have random drops on top of that.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

What you describe IS a loot table, however it is "unknown" or hidden. Since it's not an actual list of them (like wowhead for WoW) and browsable, but it's probably coming then, just not been discovered by the community yet?

All of the information is available on https://www.lastepochtools.com/ and probably tunklab too. Here is a link to the items for T4 Temporal Sanctum Boss Julra: https://www.lastepochtools.com/endgame/dungeons/temporal-sanctum/tier4/boss-items

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

That is like Über Lillith, I'm never gonna get there anyway. Playing casual and not min-maxing anything, that's the plan. So 17 bosses, I might touch some of them. When build can't progress, it's time for a new character/alt. I probably touched 1-2 of them to his point. And probably not gonna go that much further, unless gear can get me further.

So still want to know their loot tables, to know if they're worth farming for me and my alts. But I guess I won't be knowing yet.

All the bosses that you can access with purely crafted gear have those same loot tables on that same site. I just picked the hardest one out of the field. You can change the tier at the top of that page if you want to see the lower versions of that same boss. You can go to a different boss if you want too. The information you're looking for is on that website I linked.

Edit: for example, here is the first boss of the end game. You can beat this boss with an extremely casual build. https://www.lastepochtools.com/endgame/monolith/fall-of-the-outcasts/normal/boss-items

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

Yeah, well. I'm 55 on my lightning shaman right now. Can't do Lagon, he hits too hard. Also he's pretty resistant to cold/lightning damage it seems. And I can't do monolith, I don't think. So will just have to grind randomly around to level and get high enough level. But I'm looking for the Artor's Legacy, but seems it doesn't say anywhere who drops it, or if it's a random drop. By the name seems like I need to kill Artor for it, but that's a guess.. That's why I want open loot tables, to farm more efficiently.

Artor is not an enemy you can fight. Artor's Legacy is a level 44 item and a random drop. It can be found in any level 44 or higher zone. Once you do make it to the monolith, you can increase your odds of finding it by doing the Black Sun timeline. You can also get it by using a rune of ascension on a helmet.

Lagon has 0 resistances at all.

Shaman has some major power issues at the moment. I'm literally working on Tempest Strike's rework right now. You can also send a link to your character (by using the tool on the website I linked) to other players who can help you improve it if you want.

All information on the item is on it's page here: https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwJgHMwMxA

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

Which is exactly the main attack I'm using, Tempest Strike. True, I was thinking on trying the Rune of Ascension.

I expected Lagon or any boss to have resistances to whatever attack genre they are using themselves, that's kinda the logical rule of thumb. But I guess not then, Shaman just sucks versus that boss, haven't had issue son any other so far. A few more levels and he's mine, was at the last phase and he had like 30% left. But my pets kept dying which give some leech on lightning, got the staff that gives 19% leech on lightning.

Nah, I kinda don't follow any guides and figure it out on my own, I play the skills I like and works (synergy wise) and I play until I don't have any more fun, like if it gets frustratingly hard. Not that fan of hard tbh, as I want to feel heroic and not some weakling that struggles.

Ok, well in that case, I strongly recommend picking a different main skill to focus on for now as Tempest Strike is probably the worst primary damaging skill in the game.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by stefanw1337

Nah, honestly I make due. The storm totem, tornados and crows are the ones damaging everything. So only using it mostly to get mana back, also aspect of the shark makes it hard once every now and then. I got the helmet after three attempts.. Think going 3 wolves with lightning and the howl of the west wind is the way. Or 4 crows with the Artor's Legacy is better. Was there training dummy's in the game? Or 2 crows, 2 wolves?

Training dummies are in champion's gate in heoborea