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Love aRPGs, played pretty much all of them. God damn if LE isn't the most satisfying one I've played though. For context, most fun in aRPGs for me comes from trying new builds and chasing those character upgrades. I have not yet reached empowered monoliths.

It's perfectly complex enough to make me think but not to the point of needing to read 20 page guides.

Skills (at least the mage ones) feel awesome to use.

Progression isn't gated by story, which I've always found annoying in other aRPGs.

The game is somewhat difficult but not too difficult. Most problems can be solved by tweaking your character with the very unpunishing respec system. I took my first meteor mage to level 75 and got stuck - took some time to respec after learning the game and was able to go much further.

My second character, lightning blast static ball sorc, has been an absolute dream. While I did follow a guide, I really only had to skim over it for a few minutes to understand what makes the build work. This is contrasted to PoE where I had to watch 3 videos, use path of building, and reference a written guide just to have a smooth and enjoyable character.

This game is INTUITIVE, SATISFYING, and FUN AS f*ck.

Only gripes I really have thus far is poor performance and lack of variety in monolith missions. Very excited for the full release.

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over 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Haha very glad to hear you think Epoch is FAF ;)

We have a lot of performance updates coming in our March 9 multiplayer patch that I hope resolve some of the issues you're having there. Also, Monolith variety and end game updates in general will be a huge focus after getting this multiplayer patch out the door.

Oh, and as someone who absolutely loves playing Meteor as a main skill... MP makes this way better when you can sit behind your tanky friends. Cheers!