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Some of us that stream, don't really want to have to stream the whole desktop audio channel. In all other games i play (WOW, POE, COD, ...), you're able to choose the audio device. A lot of streamers we use Voicemeeter software to create different channels, and we create an audio channel for games, so all audio from games go to that channel, and that's the audio we stream, so the rest of system sounds, or browser audio, or whatever, don't get in the stream unless WE want them to.

Here are some examples:

This would be a Voicemeeter channel strip, the marked one would be the GAME audio channel created. Imgur

This would be the POE audio device option menu: Imgur

This would be the COD audio device options menu: Imgur

This would be the WOW audio device options menu: Imgur

I can't show Diablo's options since i dont currently have any Diablo game installed, but i'm pretty sure it had that option too. You surely get the idea. So I would really beg for this option to be implemented.

Thanks for the amazing job you're all doing.

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

I’ll chat with the dev team and see what we can do here. It’s definitely something we should have