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Stash teaser was shared with us during tonight's recording of the Last Epoch Podcast (AKA The Last Ewok)!! Big thank you to EHG for hanging out in the chat

EDIT: I just to be clear, no information was shared (that I saw) about timing of implementation, if this is old or current or anything really other than the image when we were talking about stash tabs.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

That was an early mockup - will be a bit nicer than this :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Magic2424

Any hints as to the 'ruby' and 'emerald' words used? I know that a socket system has been mentioned a little and those are traditional gems for sockets :)

Those were just quick filler names I used when mocking up the panel. What you may be speculating on is the Lost Memories system that we haven't talked about in a long time. More info coming in the future :)