Original Post — Direct link

Hey /r/LastEpoch

We have been getting a LOT of questions from outside the LE subreddit and will be doing an AMA over on /r/games.

Before people start asking why we aren't doing the AMA here, this specific AMA is for a broader audience. We spend a LOT of time here, and we consider this to be our home. We don't plan to leave, and this isn't a symptom of "LE got too big for us!"; it's just a part of the process of growth that we get asked to host events in other places.

That being said, we would love it if you also bombarded that thread with your questions. Please make sure to ask your questions there though, because we plan to run this like a standard AMA, which means answering questions in-line from when they are asked.

Thanks all! We look forward to seeing you in that thread and in Eterra in just 5 days!

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

As a tee up, I'd like to shout out a new content creator that recently covered the history of Eleventh Hour Games. He clearly did his research and took the time to make a great video on it. Worth a watch for anyone curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjVDwChiJdc

- Judd