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THE 3RD TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED. The specs that my pc have is more than enough to run this game 60fps but i turn the settings down just in case. I crash in HC just going through a map, immediately load up the game again and i'm dead and shipped to SC. This last time there was only 1 enemy on the screen, crash, shipped to SC AGAIN. Not to mention assets not loading in on some telegraphed boss hits.

Don't even add an option for HC if your game is this buggy. Rant over, so sick of remaking characters due to jank. Really making me wanna drop this game until its playable. Angry rant over its just this is so frustrating.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

During this initial online phase, I've seen some people doing a self imposed no-BSdeath HC where you just pay SC and if you die when you didn't have control, you just keep going.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by MoDaddy69420

Ill have to try that i guess. Just doesnt feel the same. The game is amazing and is a true contending ARPG in the market right now, its just really demoralizing. I think ill just give the game some time for some optimization patches before i try again. Maybe ill get back on when falconer drops.

Yea, it's not ideal. We're working on it.