Our next update, Patch 0.7.4, will include the first iteration of Minion Stances!
Minion Stances will allow you to customize the behaviour of allies you summon. They will be available to both permanent and temporary minions. The option to change a minion’s stance will not be presented if doing so would not alter its behaviour. (Example)
The selectable Minion Stances will be;
- ‘Attacker’ will be the default stance and result in existing minion behaviour.
- ‘Defender’ will reduce how far your minions will travel to engage enemies.
- ‘Hunter’ will cause minions to attack enemies across longer distances.
In Patch 0.7.4 we will be replacing the horizontal health bars of summoned minions in the top-left corner of the screen with vertical health bars displayed to the right of their skill art. The current stance of minions will be displayed beneath their skill art, and mousing-over this stance will result in a drop-down menu featuring three buttons; one for each stance.

A mockup for illustrative purposes.
Additionally, whenever you have more than one copy of a minion, the game will show you how many you have in the top-right corner of the skill art in the list of summoned minions.

That’s a lot of friends!
If you have multiple of the same minion - e.g. two Bone Golems - all copies of that minion will share the same stance. Stances will be saved; it won’t be necessary to change your minions’ stances each time you open the game - unless your preference changes, of course!