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Hi guys!

So I was thinking (didn't check if someone post about it before, too lazy) about a QoL in the inventory that shows a little icon on the items which colour is equivalent with the colour from loot filter.

My style of gameplay is to get my inventory full with items that I'm interested in and then do the next step with them, whether it'll be to shatter them, hoard them in the stash for later, craft them etc. etc. So when my inventory is full I can differentiate them by looking at each item and it's mods. But it'll be a looooooooot quicker with the coloured icon in the corner of the item.

Sorry if my explanation is confusing for you, let me know and I can provide some image examples.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Sorry, no. There is a technical problem that prevents this.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by matek11523

I don't know in what degree you can be open about this, but what makes it impossible to implement this option?

I wouldn't go so far as to say impossible really. I can't really give the exact details but it's essentially that we looked at doing it but there was a really bad performance problem that we don't have a solution to. It might be possible to fix but it is still a relatively low priority thing. Low priority, high difficulty, unknown time investment items get extremely deprioritized. I just don't want to get people's hopes up by saying maybe because there are just so many things we will work on first.

Now, also remembering that I'm really not trying to get your hopes up but this was the same answer we were giving to an old performance problem which forced us to cap the display number of active ailments on a target at 15 per type. This was very recently solved out of the blue and we got lucky and were able to take it from the "No" list to the "Done" list.

So barring some sort of epiphany coming to someone in a dream, for now it's just, No.