over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/903950/announcements/detail/2927866455146959336]here[/url].
over 3 years ago - not_so_gladiator - Direct link
We’re bundling our Community Devlog with this week’s content push since we had some bigger posts for Season 2: the Poaching Hut and Hard Maps!

To allow for a more fair progression, we’re doing a slow rollout with hard maps like we’ve done in the past! We’re going to start spawning them this Friday, so get ready!

We use this approach because we feel it aligns well with player progression. Sure, there are some groups that may have been waiting for Hard maps for longer than others, but transitioning over time rather than all at once means that more dedicated groups don’t just steamroll to the end right at the start of a season and that there is an overall more fair progression pace.


-Added Poaching Hut - This placeable will allow the owner to reap harvesting bonuses from the area around it, poaching the resources from the owners of the oasis.
-Re-enabled the ability to transfer Proxy Walkers to the clan.


-Added a beautiful array of lights to the Trading Station.
-Fixed an issue which was causing Wandering Merchants to not display departure time correctly.
-Third parties should no longer be able to grief Nomads dueling by hitting them.
-Fixed being unable to interact with other Nomads in the Trading Station Arena after reconnecting.


-Extended Foundation height for all Foundations.
-Adjusted Stone Window size.
-Removed foliage growing on horizontal structural Stone parts.
-Improved door collisions to avoid ammo going through some tiny holes and cracks.


-Increased weight of Apples. By popular demand, of course.


-Added FPS selection, caps to 60 FPS by default.
-Trading Station orders tweaks.
-Limited chat message length in order to prevent abuse.
-Clan caps on upcoming maps will now always be displayed on world map.
-Added warning text that Flots deposited on Clan Bank cannot be withdrawn (can only be used for bidding on Oasis slots).
-Fixed some issues in text length for Walkers and Structures in combat.
-Localization fixes and improvements.


-Improved visibility on shadowy Canyon areas.
-Fixed old rupu camps spawning on Canyon desert areas.


-Fixed incorrect wing power comparison on Balang Walker.
-Fixed Balang Walker level upgrades being tied to Dinghy Walker.
-Fixed Hercul Walker level upgrades being tied to Buffalo Walker.
-Increased effective weight of Balang Walker.
-Fixed spawn points on Balang Walker after travel.
-Fixed spawn points on Hornet Walker.


-Fixed in-air climbing bug.
-Improved readability of ammo contrails & hit clouds.
-Improved ammo particles.
-Fixed fast movement of Chalk Bomb visuals.
-Major performance improvements for structures.


As an unlawful poacher, you can set up your hut anywhere you want and reap bonuses from others harvesting around it, much like legal claim owners. Once built, all the resource bonuses from the area around the hut will be going to you, instead of the clan holding a Proxy on that oasis, making you an illegal poacher to them. You’ll want to hide your dirty business as well as you can though, since the hut requires to be built in the open and isn’t exactly a fortress.

Reminder about submitting cheater reports, or reports of harassment, racism, dupes, selling material for real-world currency, and exploits:

When you submit a cheater report to http://feedback.lastoasis.gg you need to include video evidence with your report. Including screenshots or videos in all other reports is just as important.

You can email [email protected] with those screenshots and videos, especially if you filed an in-game report and weren’t able to attach them to it. Feel free to use places like YouTube, imgr, or other hosting sites so it's easy to send us a link.

We really appreciate the reports that get sent in. It helps us so much, and allows us to move through the verification process faster.

If you have a picture, video, meme, in-game creation, or even an out-of-game LO inspired project, we'd love to see it! You can share them on the Last Oasis Subreddit, or in #community-creations on our Discord[discord.gg]!

-Thank your for the laugh with this one, u/KorcziTV: New Walker Spotlight

Don't forget, if you have a question for the devs, check out #announcements on our Discord[discord.gg] for a link to our submission form! If you want to take a look at all the things we've answered in the past, you can do that on our {LINK REMOVED}Living FAQ.

A: We’ve mentioned this before (CTRL + F on the Living FAQ!), but the Sandworm is something that will be coming in 2021! As for Flotilla, we want to get it in-game before full release, but it’s a huge undertaking and we wouldn’t want to put development time there until all the core features are running smoothly.

Q: How will you keep the value of flots high for everyone without making costs impossible for small groups?
A: We want every group to have their own needs that have costs designed and balanced to work for them. In that way, each group will have their own spendings proportionate to their wealth. You can see parts of it clearly in the cost of Proxy Licenses for example - large clans will continue to want to set up new Proxies, so they’ll continuously need to spend Flots on the licenses. Other important examples here include bidding on server slots and Flotilla auctions at the trade station.

Q: Will there be any implementation of an in-game bug reporting system, so I can send a bug while I am playing?
A: We don’t have any specific plans for that yet, but making bug reporting as simple as possible is something we’d like to improve.

Q: When will the amount of players allowed on a server be increased? It seems like you guys are trying to fix the symptoms of the problem instead of curing it. Larger servers in both size and amount of players in it would solve a bunch of problems and lead to new types of emergent gameplay.
A: Our main reason for keeping this maximum number of players on a server is performance. Our goal is to provide an enjoyable experience no matter how many other people are playing around - whether you’re just alone raiding some rupu camps or participating in a huge clan battle. We’re actively working on improving the overall performance at the moment, so once we reach the point where the game runs smoothly with the current max number, we’ll consider increasing it.

Q: Is Walker trading a mechanic you’ve considered implementing?
A: Definitely! Being able to specialize in walker building for someone other than your own clan always seemed like a great direction to take, so we’ll be looking into trading walkers at some point.

Q: Will there be more difficult maps beyond just “Hard”?
A: In terms of actual difficulty - absolutely. We’re using the Easy/Medium/Hard type division mostly to identify which maps should players go to at different stages of progression, so it will still, most likely, be shown as Hard, but we have much more challenging maps coming in near future.

Q: Will you consider separating the Xbox playerbase from the PC playerbase? I am keen to get more players for PC but Xbox players will have a clear disadvantage on release due to the high combat skill gap.
A: Our goal is to make the experience on consoles as similar to PC as possible, which also means competitive combat, grappling, and other mechanics. That said, we’ll be adding an option to allow private servers exclusively for console or PC players, and an official console realm is not out of the question in the future.

Q: Do you intend to keep wiping the game? What type of wipe/season schedule will you have?
A: As we’ve said before, we don’t intend on wiping the game just for the sake of wiping it, so there is no strict schedule when the next wipe will come. If we develop some features that require a wipe, that’s when it will happen. As an example, while many of the features from Season 2 didn’t technically require a wipe, we had significant changes and improvements to our backend and servers that simply wouldn’t work with all the old data.

Q: Will there be a way to see the Koa in the future? It would be great as an animal fat source.
A: In the future! It had some issues before, so we’d like to overhaul it completely, including the behaviour and mechanics around it, before bringing it back.

Q: On that note, when are you going to add in more creature types?
A: We have quite a few planned, both less and more hostile, and will be looking into adding them some time next year.

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